  • 學位論文


“Tangle”: Tracking the Studying Path of the Chinese Students in Northern Thailand to Mainland China

指導教授 : 周陽山 高人傑


上世紀中葉,因國共戰爭而從中國雲南逃難到緬甸、泰國北部的泰北華人,幾十年來,基於同樣反共的歷史因素,與中華民國台灣保持著緊密連結,也長期得到台灣官方與民間的愛心資源。泰北各村幾乎都有中文學校,使用台灣教材、學習繁體字,將孩子送到台灣升學,更是許多家庭的夢想。 但以往反共氣氛相當濃厚的泰北地區,過去幾年卻開始發生變化,由中國共產黨提供的優渥資源開始進入華人村、「照顧泰北同胞」。   本報導發現,中國大陸提供給泰北華校的資源皆與台灣過去的做法相似,包括:提供升學機會、給予中國海外護照、資助公費及獎助學金、贈送簡體教材、派遣長期外派教師、舉辦參訪交流及教師培訓活動等。 泰北華人對這些教育資源的接受度,因地區、立場與背景的差異,也有分歧的看法與各自的考量。少數人士接受中國資源,在傳統親台灣的泰北華人社群中,引發不少爭議。「親台灣派」與「親中國派」間的疙瘩,至今仍難撫平。 本影像深度報導作品,以前往中國大陸求學的泰北學子為主角,探尋他們選擇留學中國、而非台灣的動機,並調查中國資源在泰北所掀起的風風雨雨,帶出泰北華人面對中國大陸時的難解情結。


泰北 中國 中國資源 華人 華僑 僑生 華文教育


In the midst of last century, during the war between KMT (Kuomintang) and CCP (Chinese Communist Party), a large number of KMT Chinese soldiers and their families retreated all the way from Yunnan, China to Myanmar and Northern Thailand (Thaibei). With their “anti-Communism” belief, the Chinese in Thaibei maintained close relationship with the Republic of China (Taiwan) for past decades, by receiving plenty of benevolent resources from the Taiwanese government and the general public. In Northern Thailand, Chinese school exists in each village. Local Students can learn Mandarin with Taiwanese textbooks in the traditional Chinese format. Parents are desirous of sending their children to study in Taiwan. However, during the past years, the abundant resources provided from CCP have changed the condition in the traditional anti-Communism area. China struck on Thaibei Chinese villages with the ground of “taking care of Thaibei compatriots.” The report has found that the resources from China are similar to those from Taiwan, including school admission offerings, overseas passports, scholarships, simplified Chinese textbooks, permanently stationed teachers, exchanges and training activities of teachers. Chinese people in Thaibei have different attitudes and perceptions towards China in different areas, positions and backgrounds. Receiving the resources from China has caused a huge controversy in the traditional pro-Taiwan Thaibei Chinese community. The sensitive problem between “pro-China” and “pro-Taiwan” groups is still difficult to be solved. By tracking the studying path of Thaibei students studying in China, this TV in-depth report discusses their motives of choosing China over Taiwan. It also analyzes Thaibei Chinese's tangle with China by investigating the controversy caused by China resources provided to Thaibei.


Chang, W.C. (2008). The Interstitial Subjectivities of the Yunnanese Chinese in Thailand. Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology, 9(2), 97-122.
王亞維譯(1998)。《製作紀錄片》。台北:遠流。(原書 Rabiger, M. [1998]. Directing the Documentary [2 ed.])


