  • 學位論文

員工屬性與公司績效關係之研究 - 工程顧問公司之個案

The Relationship between the Performance and the Attributes of Engineering Manpower – A Case of an Engineering Consulting Company

指導教授 : 林世銘


由於工程顧問公司主要仰賴『人』為其唯一之生財器具,不像傳統產業或高科技產業,尚需考量到生產設備及原物料等因素,故工程顧問公司在評估各單位績效時,「人」的屬性確實佔有很關鍵性因素。且以往產業界之績效評估均需廣泛考量到公司組織面、管理面及行為面等,不一而足。本研究謹希望藉由公司大量之員工各種基本屬性資料以統計之處理手法做管理上有系統之分類及分析,以達到下列幾項目標:(1)建立工程專案績效模式,探討不同員工屬性對工程顧問公司在績效上之影響程度,據以了解各屬性對工程專案執行績效之優劣影響趨勢﹔(2)依據該影響程度及趨勢,作為未來人力資源部門求才及專案執行人力組成之參考﹔(3)探討如何發揮工程顧問公司人力資源優勢,創造公司未來最佳之經營策略。 為達到上述之目的,本研究從各員工微觀之角度切入,並以統計分析方式,評估工程專案之生產力、執行成本及利潤等績效,最後綜合提出最適合工程顧問公司之人力資源運作與績效提升之機制,並藉以提出最適合公司轉型之利基市場。


Usually the performance of the employees is determined by different resources available and operating factors such as the company structure of organization, management system, etc. However, the engineering manpower is almost the only one resource for the engineering consulting firm, so the performance of engineering project is highly related to the attributes of engineers. In order to explore the effect of attributes to the project performance, the basic condition of engineers’ attributes needs to be analyzed in a more practical and more accurate manner. This thesis utilized systematic classification and statistical analysis based on the hundreds of sets of existing engineers’ attributes data collected from an engineering consulting firm to reach the following goals: (1) developing a performance model in function of engineers attributes to show effect of the attributes of engineers, and assessing the performance for the project with the company’s attributes condition; (2) recognizing the advantage of each attribute for the project performance in order to determine the specific talent required for the engineering projects; and (3) introducing a potential engineering market to the engineering company, as it will definitely create a better performance on productivity, cost and profit for the engineering company in the future.


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