  • 學位論文


Analysis and Perspective of Online Music Business Models—Based on Cases in America and Taiwan

指導教授 : 巫和懋


數位音樂網站經營模式之分析與展望—以美台個案為中心 P2P傳輸科技的擴散與線上音樂下載的需求,帶動音樂產業面臨音樂通路與銷售轉型的挑戰。 實證資料顯示,線上合法音樂下載市場正處於爆發性成長階段。但目前線上音樂網站商業模式(不論是DMS、合法P2P或研議中的CBL)看似具有高成長商業潛力,或由於首動者無法構築有效的競爭優勢與縱深,讓後進者趕上(如DMS或合法P2P的模式內各類me too網站充斥),或由與產業環境整合困難(如研議中的CBL),加上音樂內容產業集中化,造成線上音樂網站普遍面臨低毛利與高競爭的窘況。 從財務可獲利性角度觀之,目前唯一與音樂下載需求成功相結合的方案是蘋果的全方位垂直整合方案(即iPod+iTunes+iTMS)。經分析蘋果的成功經驗可知,受限於目前產業經營條件的限制,現階段成功的數位音樂網站必須利用音樂衍生應用,加上全方位整合軟體、硬體、服務、符合產業與法規限制及提供消費者完整價值與獨特性。其中,利用音樂衍生應用與結合,及產品或服務的真正獨特性是成功關鍵性因素中最重要的。必須要提醒的是,前述兩項關鍵性因素正是創新與最困難模仿的地方。 蘋果的全方位垂直整合成功因素,根基於蘋果獨特能耐的組合與創造消費價值全面滿足,競爭障礙高,其他廠商不易複製成功。例如,Sony以Connect(音樂網站)整合數位Walkman(音樂撥放器)複製Apple模式,但因為欠缺獨特性與驚艷感,功敗垂成。Microsoft也有類似的結果。 現階段線上音樂網如果主要仰賴音樂下載與會員會費的收入(縱使市場佔有率高)恐怕無法收支平衡或僅賺取微薄利潤。因此,結合音樂下載與其他應用(獲利來源)的經營模式的趨勢會持續一段時間。 非法P2P音樂網站,因為欠缺音樂產業配合與符合著作權法機制,未來營運前景不甚樂觀。 又傳輸技術的創新與應用,如P2P傳輸科技等,固然具有一定的科技優勢與檔案分享優勢,但是這項優勢並非關鍵性成功因素,因此,合法P2P模式短期內看不出會因為P2P傳輸科技而有轉敗為勝的趨勢。 CBL模式是另一種高整合模式(立法強制音樂公司集體降價並將音樂消費變成公共設施與稅收的一部分,以擴大使用者數量),整合的關係面向是價格,由於影響層面太廣,短期間是否為音樂產業參與者所接受,恐怕是個問題。


Thesis Abstract Title: Analysis and Perspective of Online Music Business Models—Based on Cases in America and Taiwan Advisor: Dr. Wu, Ho-Mou Student: Lin, Chung-Yi With the diffusion of P2P technology and the growth of demand for music downloads through internet, the music industry is facing transformation on the distribution and sales of music. Market survey indicates that legally downloaded music market is skyrocking and encouraging in the near future. However, most of the online music stores, regardless of their business models, are financially poor performed. The reasons behind this situation, as this paper indicates, are because either (i) the first mover fails to establish sustainable advantages and result in a highly competitive sector (such as DMS and legal P2P models) or (2) the innovator lacks necessary resources and competences to build a highly integration business model (such as CBL model). In this thesis, the author analyzes online music business models based on cases in USA and Taiwan from a business perspective. The result of this thesis indicates that, up to date, a business model that fully integrates software, hardware, services, the context of music industry and law, and consumer network effects (social status) can be successful and financially viable. In light of iTMS case, which owns 84% share of the U.S. legally downloaded music market but merely make a humble breakeven, the trend of combination of music download and other applications (revenue sources), such as music players, cell phones, podcasts and the like, will continue to last for a period of time.


Apple Business Model iPod iTunes iTMS Napster Online Music P2P Sony


Borland, John "Does KaZaA Matter?" News.com(June 30, 2004)
Karagiannis, Thomas Is P2P dying or just hiding?, Presented at Globecom, (November 2004)


Hu, Y. Y. (2009). 台灣線上音樂商店營運模式研究-以KKBOX和ezPeer+為例 [master's thesis, Yuan Ze University]. Airiti Library. https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0009-2307200913251100
