  • 學位論文

建置即插即用之遠距照顧系統基於ISO/IEEE 11073 PHD 通訊協定

Plug-and-Play Telecare System Based on ISO/IEEE 11073 PHD Standards

指導教授 : 賴飛羆


隨著人們對於健康的益發重視,越來越多資源投入了個人健康儀器的相關研究。然而,不同廠商所生產儀器間的互操作性仍然是個很大的問題。ISO/IEEE 11073-PHD (簡稱X73-PHD)是為了解決這個問題所制定出的通訊協定,此篇論文實作了這個協定並整合到一個網頁架構的遠距照顧系統中。透過這個系統,病人可以在遠端上傳他們的生理數值,而個案管理師可以看到所有需要的相關資訊,並紀錄病人的狀況。這個系統被使用在台大醫院遠距照顧的專案。


As the era of ubiquitous health approaches, more and more effort is put into the development of Personal Health Data (PHD) Devices. However, the interoperability between devices from different vendors is still a big problem. ISO/IEEE 11073-PHD (X73-PHD) is a protocol designed for PHD Devices. We implement this protocol and integrate it into a web-based Telecare system. Patients can upload their vital signs remotely through this protocol. The system helps case managers manage their patients by providing all information they need with a handy user interface. This system is deployed to National Taiwan University Hospital (NTUH).


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