  • 學位論文


Investigation on Application of Shrubs and Herbaceous Plants in Landscape Green Land in Taipei Area

指導教授 : 張育森


為了提升都市居住品質,都市綠化備受重視。但近年來造園景觀業者為求快速成景,常忽略植物種植環境之適應性問題,造成植物生長不良、植物病蟲害、甚至植物死亡等問題待探討及解決;而對於都市綠地頻繁使用之綠化植栽,其現況生長環境條件與植栽觀賞效果及生長狀況之相關研究顯少。因此本研究將針對中下層配置之灌木及草本地被植物,於臺北地區不同環境條件下適用之情形及推薦適用之植栽及改善方法。由現地調查結果,了解目前臺北地區綠地常見之灌木及草本地被植栽種類、植栽使用率普及性、整體景觀效果的調查,並歸納植栽生長適當的環境條件,做為日後挑選綠化植栽之依據。最後評估及討論對於不同環境條件植栽適應性之影響及原因,以及透過研究結果推薦綠化植栽種類。 此研究先藉由問卷調查臺北地區景觀業者(12家)施工於良好、遮陰、大風、乾旱及淹水等五種環境條件下,慣性使用之綠化植栽種類,依結果歸納不同環境條件下使用植栽之頻度。結果顯示,於良好環境下,景觀業者慣性使用之草花植物為一串紅(Salvia splendens Ker-Grawl.),灌木植物為金露華(Duranta repens L.),較常使用之地被植物為蔓花生(Arachis duranensis Krapov. & W. C. Gregory)。在遮陰環境下,常使用之草花植物為為四季秋海棠(Begonia cucullata Willd. var. Hookeri),而灌木植物為鵝掌藤(Schefflera arboricola Hayata)較常使用,草本地被植物屬波斯頓腎蕨(Nephrolepis exaltata (L.) Schott)較常使用。乾旱環境下,常使用草本植物為松葉牡丹(Portulaca grandiflora),灌木植物為金露華、馬纓丹(Lantana camara L. var. aculeata (L.) Moldenke.)和鵝掌藤,而常使用之地被植物為蔓花生;翠蘆莉(Ruellia brittoniana Leonard)為淹水環境下較常使用之草花植物,鵝掌藤為常用之灌木植物,南美蟛蜞菊為常用之地被植物。景觀業者於大風環境下常使用之草花植物為松葉牡丹,常使用之灌木植物為鵝掌藤,蔓花生為常用之地被植物。臺北地區12家景觀業者依不同環境條件選擇植栽之原則,調查結果顯示有12家業者依經驗判斷植栽適應性,4家業者依種苗商推薦之植栽,2家業者依業主需求為選擇植栽之原則。透過臺北地區綠地現況幾處環境條件(良好、遮陰、大風、乾旱及淹水)區分,進行調查及其使用植栽種類。結果顯示,遮陰環境下,灌木類植栽較不容易受到影響,而變葉木(Codiaeum variegatum)於遮陰環境下生長狀況極佳。錫蘭葉下株(Phyllanthusmytifolius Moon.)於遮陰環境下生長佳,麥門冬種植於遮陰環境下長狀況極佳,粗肋草(Aglaonema)也是遮陰環境下生長狀況極佳之植栽種類。洲美蜆仔港公園偏向乾旱環境。生長表現極佳之植栽種類有翠蘆莉和射干(Belamcanda chinensis)。淹水環境於都市綠地中,植物生長狀況較普通。大風環境植栽多屬於微風、和風、清風,此環境多種植灌木植栽幾乎沒有使用草本植物,其中馬纓丹、樹蘭(Aglaia odorata)、芳香萬壽菊(Tagetes lemmonii)、小葉赤楠(Eugenia microphylla Abel)及黃金葉金露華(Duranta erecta 'Golden Leaves')於大風環境下勢佳,捲葉變葉木(Codiaeum variegatum cv.)植栽視覺效果平均值2分,現場調查捲葉變葉木株型不緊實,分枝少,較少下位葉,推測是一開始種苗不好導致。 綜合上述研究,植物生長狀況與生長環境息息相關,除了遮陰、乾旱、淹水、大風環境外,亦會受到其他環境因子影響。進行綠地施工設計時,針對中下層配置之灌木及草本地被植物,於臺北地區都市綠地不同環境條件下適用之情形及推薦適用之植栽及改善方法。


Urban greening is an important topic because it may improve the quality of living. However, many landscaping companies in Taiwan are often ignoring the adaptability of plants and using wrong plant species on greening projects merely for an immediate outcome. Consequently, the wrong plants in the wrong places exhibit a series of problems, such as poor growth and serious pests. Hence, this study cooperated with 12 landscaping companies, and issued questionnaire survey to investigated the types of herbaceous plants and woody shrubs used in various landscaping environmental conditions in Taipei City and New Taipei City, including regular area, shady area, drought area, windy area and flooding area. The survey showed that the 12 companies we investigated used shrub and herbs Salvia splendens Ker-Grawl.(5.0) and Duranta repens L.(4.0). Arachis duranensis Krapov. & W. C. Gregory(4.3) is using freauency in regular area, respectively. Schefflera arboricola was the most frequently used woody shrubs in shady and drought environment. In windy area, the Lantana camara and Arachis duranensis Krapov. & W. C. Gregory are usung high frequntly.landscaping companies used plant species are low in flooding area. In conclusion, the landscape companies shall further improve the understanding of plant growth characteristics for better plant selection. 12 landscaping companies industry under the terms of the principle of different environmental conditions to select planting, the survey results show that there are 12 andscaping companies under the terms of experience to judge planting adaptability, 4 andscaping companies under the terms recommended by the manufacturer of the planting seeds, 2 landscaping companies owner needs to select principles of planting. Taipei green status through several environmental conditions (good, shade, wind, drought and flood) to distinguish, and to investigate the use of planting species. The results, shade environment, shrub planting less susceptible, but Codiaeum grown in shade environment in excellent condition. The Codiaeum variegatum grown under shade environment in excellent. Phyllanthusmytifolius Moon., Aglaonema , and Convallaris spicatus Thunb. are growing perfect in shade environment condition. In drought environment condition Ruellia brittoniana and Belamcanda chinensis are growing good. Flooding in urban green space environment, plant growth status than ordinary. Windy conditions mostly planting breeze, the wind, the wind, the environment and more shrubs planting almost no use of herbs. And Lantana camara, Aglaia odorata, agetes lemmonii, Eugenia microphylla Abel, and Duranta erecta 'Golden Leaves' are like windy environment. The plant lanting visual effects average value of Codiaeum variegatum cv. is 2 point. Site investigations leaf Codiaeum plant type is not tight, small branches, fewer lower leaves, presumably leading to a bad start seedlings. From the research, plant growth status and growth is closely related to the environment, in addition to shade, drought, flood, windy conditions, but also by other environmental factors influence. When green construction design, shrubs and herbaceous plants in the lower configuration, at the Taipei area in the city greenbelt different environmental conditions applicable for the case and recommended suitable planting and improvement of methods.


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