  • 學位論文


Study on producing strawberry runners with a hydroponics system in plant factory

指導教授 : 楊雯如
共同指導教授 : 李國譚(Kuo-Tan Li)


田間栽培草莓常遭病蟲害肆虐,需噴灑大量農藥進行病蟲害管理。植物工廠為一精密環控管理之生產系統,可完全隔絕外界病蟲害之干擾,因此本試驗為建置植物工廠內水耕生產健康草莓苗之模式。本試驗之目的在養液配方篩選、循環式及非循環式栽培系統之比較、及光強度對草莓生長之影響之探討。養液篩選試驗中,利用Hoagland、山崎氏及Enshi三種配方在非循環式栽培系統中栽培草莓組織培養苗9週,比較其生長量。所有植株在出瓶前兩週均處於生長停頓期,試驗結束後,各配方栽培之植株產生7-8條走莖,處理間無顯著差異,但Enshi配方下有最大葉面積。在48天的栽培期比較非循環式及循環式系統栽培具3片葉之走莖苗,其中非循環式栽培每16天更新養液,而循環式之養液則同時補充調整。循環式系統之養液含鐵量急遽下降、嚴重不足,植株葉片脈間黃化甚至死亡;而非循環式養液中鐵含量充足,草莓生長良好,栽培48天內可產生6條走莖、5株走莖苗。系統比較試驗結束時,非循環式系統與循環式系統之各項參數參數如下:新葉SPAD為34、17,新生葉片數為6.2、2.9,走莖苗數量為5.6、1,葉長為8.5、3 cm,皆達顯著差異;植體元素分析結果顯示循環式系統栽培之植體內P、Ca、Mg、Fe、Cu、Mn、B與Mo含量不足。依據非循環系統質體分析結果,調整Enshi養液配方為E2及E3配方,以Enshi(E1)為對照配方,搭配兩種光強度之六種處理組合,由甫出瓶之組織培養苗為起始材料,栽培八週期間後評估植株生長量,光強度高者有較高生長量,但養液間無顯著差異。養液之EC值於定植一個月並無明顯變化,於定植四至六週為草莓吸收養分速率最快時期,養液內NO3-、NH4+、P、K、Ca與Mg皆被大量消耗,為養液EC值降幅最大時期。第七至八週期間,栽培環境濕度過高,植株出現營養缺乏症狀,顯示蒸散作用過低。比較9支與6支T5螢光燈栽培下之植物生長量,光強度強者之葉長長9%、葉面積大18%、葉片數多8%、葉片厚度增厚20%、冠莖直徑大15%、全株鮮重重32%。


Field grown strawberries(Fragaria xananassa Duch.) are often infected by pests and pathogens which resulted in high frequency of pesticide and fungicide application. Plant factory is a production system with precise environmental control in which pathogens are completely excluded. The objective of this study was to build a hydroponic production system for strawberry runners in a plant factory, in which the medium formulas, circulation/non- circulation culture system, and effect of light intensity were determined. For media selection, Hoagland, Yamazaki and Enshi solutions were evaluated for growing tissue culture plantlets for 9 weeks in non- recirculation culture system. All the plantlets were under transplanting shock in the first 2 weeks and produced 7-8 runners at the end of experiment. The 3 media did not affect runner production even though Enshi resulted in largest leaf area. For comparing circulation and non- circulation culture system, 3-leaf runners were grown for 48 days in Enshi medium; solution was renewed in non-circulation system every 16 days and the solution in circulation system was adjusted at the same day. The concentration of ferrous ion dropped dramatically in circulation culture system and the leaves showed chlorosis symptoms since the 3 weeks of growing in the system and majority of the plants died ultimately. The concentration of ferrous ion maintained roughly constant and plants grew well and produced 6 runners and 5 runner plants at the end of experiment. The plant growing in non-circulation and circulation culture system produced new leaf with SPAD of 34 and 17 and leaf length of 8.5 and 3 cm, produced 6.2 and 2.9 new leaves, generated 5.6 and 1 runner plants, respectively. All these parameters were significant different. The result of elemental analysis by ICP-OES revealed that plants in circulation culture system severely suffered P, Ca, Mg, Fe, Cu, Mn, B and Mo deficient and imbalance. Two additional media (E2 and E3) modified from Enshi (E1) were tested along with 2 light intensities for non-circulation system from tissue culture plantlets for 8 weeks. The plant growth was significantly affected by light intensity and no significantly difference was resulted among the 3 media. The EC value maintained rather constant within the first month, dropped quickly during 4th -6th weeks of growing , and remained constant again between 7th -8th weeks due to high humidity ceased plant transpiration. NO3-, NH4+, P, K, Ca and Mg have been largely consumed in hydroponic solution between 4th and 6th week. The growth under 9 T5 fluorescent tubes lighting was vigor than that under and 6 tubes. Higher light intensity resulted longer leaf (9%) and thicker (20%) leaf, larger tatal leaf area (18%), larger crown diameter (15%), and heavier total fresh weight (32%).


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