  • 學位論文


The Ideology of The Young China Party, 1924-1928

指導教授 : 王遠義


過往對中國近現代史的歷史解釋長期為國共兩黨所壟斷,因此中國近現代史往往變為國共兩黨的歷史。事實上,活躍於這段期間的行動者比比皆是,特別是在1920年代,是思想最百花齊放、相互競逐與辯論的一個時代,也是中國、世界的各個政治勢力在中國相互爭鬥,意圖奪取政治權力的時代。本文所關注的對象,正是這個時代中,曾經與國共兩黨在政治上、意識形態上鼎足而立、互相競爭的政黨「中國青年黨」,旨在說明他們為何組黨?如何誕生?採取了哪些政治行動?政黨的宗旨與意識形態為何? 本文第一章,我說明本文的問題意識、過往青年黨相關研究之不足以及論文架構。第二章梳理青年黨誕生的歷史情境、原因與過程,以及1923年成立後所採取的政治行動,是如何在國共北伐前得到了為數不少的信仰者與支持者,並成為第三大黨。第三章解釋青年黨的意識形態內涵,「國家主義」是青年黨所信奉的意識形態,青年黨對此做出清楚的解釋,並依照中國歷史情境將其中國化,提出一套以教育學、經濟學和政治論三種構想所組成的解決方案,並把這些要素組成青年黨信奉、宣揚的意識形態。第四章總結上述討論,指出青年黨的意識形態,恰好符合了「意識形態真空」的中國的需求。 本論文指出,過往研究者忽視中國在1920年代思想的混亂性,以及中國人與對俄國理解的變化,以致無法分析清楚青年黨之所以能夠崛起的過程,進而導致無法認清國家主義為何具有吸引力,其具體的內容為何。因此,本文將著重強調過往的歷史背景之影響以及國家主義的內涵。


For a long period of time, the interpretation of the history of modern China has been monopolized by Kuomintang and Chinese Communist Party, so the history of modern China is the history of Kuomintang (KMT) and Chinese Communist Party (CCP). In fact, there were many activists and flourishing thoughts at that time, especially in the 1920s. And many political forces (Chinese or foreigners) were struggling in China at the same time. So I focus on The Young China Party (YCP) which was fighting with KMT and CCP, and the main purpose of this thesis is to present the historical condition of China from 1919 to 1928, to show the birth of YCP and their political actions from 1924 to 1928, and to explain the ideology of YCP: Nationalism. In Chapter 1, I will explain the problematic of this thesis, the strengths and weaknesses of other studies of YCP, and the structure of this thesis. Chapter 2 will show the historical condition of China from 1924 to 1928, the birth of YCP, and what actions they took after they established their party in 1923. And Chapter 3 will analyze the content of ideology of YCP: Nationalism. Finally, Chapter 4 will summarize the key point in this thesis. From this perspective, I emphasize that other studies have ignored the importance of the Soviet Union in the thoughts of China in the 1920s, so they fail to explain why YCP was established, became stronger and fought with KMT and CCP. At the same time, they cannot understand the content of Nationalism and why Nationalism became popular. This thesis will try to solve these problems.


The Young China Party Nationalism Ideology


