  • 學位論文


Pay Satisfaction of A Bank’s Employee

指導教授 : 黃俊堯


自2006年12月我國銀行業全面對外開放以來,大量的外資銀行進入國內,加劇了國內商業銀行業的競爭趨勢。銀行間的競爭實質是人才的競爭。如何用一流的薪酬吸引一流的人才,用一流的人才打造一流的競爭力、創造一流的業績,再用一流的業績來支撐一流人才的薪酬,這個問題對當前各商業銀行具有緊迫性和現實意義。近年來,銀行員工的薪酬結構越來越豐富,薪酬差距越來越大;與此同時,員工的跳槽也越來越頻繁,人員的流動率越來越高,究其原因主要在於銀行提供的薪酬使員工感到不滿意所造成。如何使銀行在薪酬管理取得成功並獲更大收益,這就需要進一步加強薪酬滿意度的研究。銀行只有深刻瞭解員工薪酬滿意度影響因素、維護和滿足員工多層次需要,充分發揮員工的積極性、主動性、創造性,才能做到留住有用的人才,才能在競爭中不斷拓展市場,進一步提升競爭力。 本文在借鑒其他學者的理論和經驗的基礎上,以坐落在上海的A銀行為研究物件,採用問卷調研方式,對員工薪酬滿意度進行研究,所得資料採用描述性統計和方差分析等統計方法進行分析,發現A銀行目前在薪酬水準、薪酬發放、薪酬核算和制度特徵等方面存在的問題,結合A銀行的人員狀況和行業特徵,提出了提高A銀行員工薪酬滿意度的建議和對策,並進一步說明薪酬滿意度的提高並非簡單的薪酬增長,而應該更注重管理的方法、實施過程以及薪酬管理的最終目的。


Along with the thorough openness of China's bank authorization since December 2006, a large number of foreign banks came to China, which exacerbated the domestic competition among commercial banks. Bank competition is no doubt talent competition. How to attract first-class talent with first-rate compensation, and create first-rate competitiveness and performance with first-class talent, and then pay first-rate salary by first-rate performance? This issue is urgent and practical significance to every commercial bank. In recent years, the bank employees’ pay structure has become increasingly abundant, the pay gap is growing; Meanwhile, more and more frequent job-hopping employees, staff turnover increasing, mainly due to the reason provided by the bank salaries so that employees are not satisfied with the result. How to make banks gain more and get ahead through compensation management, which requiring more in-depth study in pay satisfaction. Banks can arouse the staff enthusiasm, initiative and creativity only after having a deep understanding of factors which affect employee pay satisfaction, maintain and meet the staff multi-level needs. And then banks can retain talent, compete in the expanding market and further enhance competition force. Based on the theoretical and empirical experience of other scholar, this article made a research on the staff salary satisfaction of A Bank, which is located in Shanghai, analyzed compensation management problems of A bank, such as compensation level, salary calculation and payment, compensation system, etc., combined with A bank employee situation and the banking characteristics, make recommendations on how to improve pay satisfaction. The collected data were analyzed by statistical methods of descriptive statistics and analysis of variance. Also, this article further illustrated that the improvement of pay satisfaction is not a simple salary increase. Banks should pay more attention to management methods, the implementation process and the ultimate goal of compensation management.


pay satisfaction compensation management banking


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