  • 學位論文


Analysis of T- wave Morphology for Predicting of Long-term Prognosis in Coronary Heart Disease Patients with Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator

指導教授 : 陳明豐


背景 冠狀動脈性心臟病(coronary artery heart disease, CHD)簡稱冠心病,是一種最常見的心臟病。它最常見的猝死機轉就是早期由心室頻脈演變成心室顫動,接著變成心臟無收縮狀態。體內植入式心臟去顫器(ICD),可以自動偵測心律不整發生,經由給予適當的電流刺激予以整流,可避免此類高危險群病人發生猝死的機會。美國心臟學會更於2008年明定了對於曾經發生過猝死症的倖存者、以及家族史有猝死症的病人及嚴重心衰竭的病人,放置植入性心臟去顫器的治療乃是能增加存活率的首選治療(Class I indication)。心電圖的T波代表了心室再極化的過程,由於心室再極化與心律不整的發生是息息相關的,因此在此之前,就有許多方法已被用來偵測 T波的型態變化,希望藉此來預測致命性心律不整的發生。近年來,Acar 等人已發展一個新的方法去計量心室再極化空間與時間變異, T 波型態分析法,這種分析方法除了可以知道心臟電氣活動的時間性分布之外,也可以知道心臟電器活動在空間中的分布。這個新的測量方法中的一些描述符號在最近也被證實可以用來預測心肌梗塞後病人存活的預測指標,同時也可用於預測心臟衰竭病人及長期洗腎病人預後的指標;因此用這些非侵襲性的方法來評估病人是否有心因猝死的危險是很有臨床意義的。本研究希望以心電圖的T波型態分析曾經發生過猝死症而置放植入性心臟整流去顫器的冠心症倖存者其T波型態和穩定型冠心病患者的差異,並以此T波型態的描述性符號來分析這群病人之後的總死亡率、與心律不整發生率的相關性分析。 方法與結果 本研究收集了於2000年至2008年6月於台大醫院因猝死而置放心臟去顫器的冠心症倖存者,追蹤至2009年6月;總共有41位去顫器病人被納入研究,其中有80%為男性,其平均左心室射出分率為47%,將這些病人的心電圖中的T 波用新的T 波型態分析方法來分析。平均追蹤年限為3.1±2.1年,有高血壓、糖尿病的比率分別為73%及50%,冠狀動脈血管阻塞數平均為2.3,在此置放植入性心臟整流去顫器的冠心症病人當中的總死亡率為21.9%,一年內再電擊率及總再電擊率分別為為27%及32%。利用此病例對照的研究方法分析後可以發現置放植入性整流去顫器的冠心症病人其T波型態的描述性符號如TCRT, TMD,LD2與年紀性別相似的穩定型冠心症病人有統計上顯著的不同(P為0.001,<0.001,<0.037)。在所有發生過猝死而置放心臟整流去顫器的冠心症病人中,T波型態的描述性符號PL, PO,及TMD更是可以用來預測其長期存活率的預測因子(relative risk [RR]=1.999; P =0.005),除此之外,TMD也可以預測這些病人之後再發生致命性心律不整的發生率 (RR=2.238; P =0.006)。 討論 由本研究中可以發現在缺氧性心臟病人當中,用來分析心臟的再極化過程的T 波型態分析法,可以明顯區別出其發生心律不整發生比率的高低,就如之前我們所預測的,QTc 並不是一個很好的預測因子,在缺氧性心臟病及發生過猝死而置放植入性心臟去顫器的病人中其QTc在統計上並沒有顯著性的差異。就目前的研究發現,心室異質性(ventricular heterogeneity) 是造成缺氧性心臟病人致命性心律不整發生的重要因素,而T 波型態分析法中的TCRT已經證實可以預測心臟衰竭病人長期的預後,在我們本次實驗中,TCRT並不是預測發生過猝死而置放心臟去顫器的缺氧性心臟病人長期預後或再次發生被電擊率的重要因子,這可能是因為我們研究的這一組病人其左心室平均射出分率為47%,遠高於心臟衰竭病人的左心室射出分率。由我們的研究報告中知道,除了血色素質、肌酸酐值、與冠狀動脈血管阻塞數目是影響置放植入性心臟整流去顫器病人長期預後的預測因子外,T波型態分析法中的PL,PO和TMD可以幫助判斷出高危險性冠心症病人。 結論 本研究利用T波形態的分析方法,發現代表心肌細胞再極化過程異質性的描述性符號TMD, PL and PO,乃是對於發生過猝死而置放心臟整流去顫器的冠心症病人總死亡率的預測因子,而TMD更是這些高危險性病人心律不整再發生率的預測因子。


Background The most common underlying reason for patients to die suddenly from cardiac arrest is coronary heart disease (CHD). Although a large number of risk factors for Sudden Cardiac Death have been identified, translating these findings into a comprehensive risk stratification strategy is challenging. T wave morphology descriptors on standard twelve-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) have shown to predict arrhythmic events in patients with previous myocardial infarction or congestive heart failure. However, these descriptors have not been considered to determine the risk stratification in CHD patients with Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD). This study was conducted to examine T wave morphology descriptors prognostic importance in CHD patients with ICD, comparison CHD patients without ICD. Methods 41 CHD patients with ICD were compared with 55 CHD patients without ICD and 55 healthy patients using a case-control design. T wave morphology descriptors including (lead dispersion, T wave morphology dispersion, percentage of the loop area, percentage of the outer area, and the total cosine between QRS and T wave [TCRT] were studied in these patients Results A total of 41 CHD with ICD patients with a mean age of 65 ± 10 years were enrolled and followed-up for 3.1 ± 2.1 years. In the ICD group, the occurrence rate of HTN and DM were 73% and 50%. The mean left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) was 47% ± 14%. The total mortality rate in ICD group was 21.9%, shock within 1 year rate was 27% and shock rate was 32%. QRS duration and T wave morphology descriptors like TCRT, TMD were statistically significantly different in CHD patients and CHD patients with ICD patients.(P<0.001,<0.001 and <0.001 respectively). A stepwise backward Cox regression analysis showed that first shock rate was significantly associated with TMD(P = 0.05). On the basis of PL<0.64, PO>0.298 and TMD>74.1 as cutoff points, a significant difference in long-term survival were observed from a Kaplan-Meier survival curve (P < 0.022, P<0.032 and P<0.038 respectively). The Cox regression analysis showed that total mortality was significantly associated with LVEF (p=0.037), No. of diseased vessel(p=0.028) ,HTN(p=0.024), DM(p=0.033), Creatine (p=0.019), QRS duration (p=0.027), PO(p=0.032) and PL(p=0.032) (Table 5) and first shock was significantly associated with b-blocker use(p=0.046), sex(p=0.047), hypertension (p=0.027)and TMD (P = 0.031). Conclusion In conclusion, TCRT ,TMD and QRS duration may provide further risk stratification for CHD patients, and TMD,PO and PL may impact on the long term survival of CHD patients with ICD. Moreover, TMD may be a good predictor for shock rate in CHD patients with ICD.


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