  • 學位論文


Competitive Advantage of Taiwan International Medical Service Using Diamond Model

指導教授 : 謝明慧


本研究主要研究目的是在探討台灣發展國際醫療的現況和衝擊,以及台灣現 階段發展國際醫療的優劣勢與機會,希望透過本研究,提供具體建議給予政府相 關部門,作為發展國際醫療的參考。 本研究方法是利用文獻回顧法,整合相關文獻,分析國外發展國際醫療的現 況及趨勢、分析台灣發展國際醫療的現況。進一步以鑽石模型分析台灣與鄰國的 競爭優勢。 本研究結果透過整合文獻中發現,台灣有條件且有機會發展醫療保健旅遊, 而初期定位應以「觀光為主,保健為輔」,待市場漸趨於成熟後,再發展深度醫 療部分。目前全球的醫療趨勢,走向高齡化社會、慢性疾病也大幅的增加,若能 找出台灣醫療服務特色,並結合觀光資源,一定能成為台灣新經濟來源。 建議部份:(一)善用我國發展國際醫療的三大利基,也就是1)傑出的醫 療人才與技術,2)醫療價格具吸引力與競爭力,3)來台旅客,尤其陸客人數大 幅攀升,可帶動觀光醫療。(二)醫療法為我國發展國際醫療最大的限制,本研 究建議應盡快找出解決辦法,否則發展醫療保健旅遊將只會是空談。(三)我國 醫師、醫療行政人員、相關醫療和旅遊業者外語能力尚待加強,否則不足以迎接 來台接受醫療保健旅遊的國際旅客。(四)台灣雖已開放大陸人士來台參加醫療 旅遊,但仍有所限制。本研究認為未來台灣如能開放大陸客醫療旅進,投資風險 最小,將能為台灣醫療產業注入新的契機。(五)國際醫療若進一步發展,對國 家經濟建設,會注入意想不到的動能,帶動生技醫材、保險法務、觀光旅遊,景 點與商場,交通建設等相關產業。


Introduction: The purpose of this research is to explore the current state and challenges of developing international medical services in Taiwan, also through strategic analysis and research, provide suggestions and recommendations for future policy making and resource allocation on continuous development of international medical services. Methodology: The research is done through a meta-analysis of related publications,looking at both international and domestic experiences and trends, also a comparison study of competency of Taiwan and neighboring countries in developing international medical services through Diamond model. Results: Through our analysis, Taiwan is in a good position to develop medical tourism, with a preliminary positioning of "Tourism first, primary care second". As the market matures, we can then provide more in-depth healthcare services to internationals. With the global trend of aging population, increased chronic disease prevalence, if we could identify and utilize the niche in Taiwan healthcare system, combined with abundant tourism resources, I believe this could potentially be a new source of economic growth. Key points: 1) Utilize the three core competencies of Taiwan in developing international medical services: a. advanced medical technology and skilled medical personnel; b. internationally competitive pricing in medical services; c. an influx of international tourists, especially of mainland china origin, increasing the potential to expand medical tourism. 2) The current bottleneck in development is the limitation bound by the National Medical Bill. We suggest that unless there is a change in bill to support development, no real progress can be made. 3) There is a need to increase language and cultural competency of medical professionals and tourism professionals so Taiwan would be able to facilitate international consumers. 4) There is not yet a conclusion in Taiwan on if consumers from Mainland China should be eligible for international medical services. Our research suggests that there is least risk in opening up to this market, but substantial return of investment towards the whole medical industry in Taiwan. 5) Aside from the direct benefit from developing international medical services, many other industries would also benefit, such as medical devices, insurance industry, tourism, local commerce, transportation industry, etc, creating external value nation-wide.


1.王廣福(2008 ),高雄市發展醫療觀光管理策略之研究,國立中山大學公共事
2.朱樹動(2007 ),朝醫療國際化邁進,亞束院訊,第 96 期。
3.吳彬安(2008 ),我國發展健康保健旅遊可行性模式之探討,國立臺灣大學管
