  • 學位論文


Time and Categorical Association: A Case Study of Zhang Heng

指導教授 : 鄭毓瑜


鄭毓瑜透過「引譬連類」重新詮釋中國傳統的知識體系,既為抒情傳統補足 背後的思維脈絡,更由此為中國文學開展出新的研究視野。本書即是在此基礎 上,希望透過對先秦兩漢「時間」觀念的研究,能夠再次顯明「引譬連類」的思 維模式,並且碰觸到中國古代知識建構的另一個側面,進而展開更寬闊,更具包 容性的視野。   本書主體部分共分為三個章節,包含從字詞出發的觀念梳理、感知框架的建 構,以及文學個案研究三個部分。首先我們將聚焦於梳理「時」字的整體脈絡, 希望透過先秦兩漢的文獻中「時」的用例,廓清當時人們對於時間觀念的理解情 形,一方面從「時」字構詞的現象,歸結其所處的關係網絡,並釐清「時」字核 心的意涵。另一方面也從中觀察「時」字所涉及的義項,由此界定我們將要研究 的時間觀念的範疇。   接著我們以「時」字的梳理為線索,推展出曆法與時氣感、時間計量兩條主 要的脈絡,二者分別對應著制度與器物層面的時間感知,同時也是感受時間與計 算時間的兩種思維模式。由於我們的目的在檢驗相對於引譬連類的科學思維,必 然要將重心放在對時間的理性計算這一方面,因此我們將先簡單檢視兩漢以前如 何建構一年中的時間區隔,又是如何形塑季節和月份的感知,再以器物為核心, 檢視各計時器物的發展情形,並觀察其所反映一日內的時間劃分。希望能透過這 樣的梳理,呈現先秦兩漢時期理解時間的具體情況。   透過梳理先秦兩漢的時間環境,可知若要觀察精密的時間思維如何作用於引 譬連類的氣感世界,必須關注天官這一群體,尤其是其中最擅於製作機械者,因 此,我們選擇以張衡作為研究的個案。我們首先突出了張衡「與世殊技」的人生 追求,並從他的機械發明中檢視他對「時間」的理解,揭示他如何鬆動「天」與 「引譬連類」的關係網絡,以緊密咬合的機械部件再現出可以分割與計算的「時 間」。我們正是從這個角度重新檢視張衡在文學書寫上的特殊性。在敘事手法 上,相對於平行推衍地鋪陳物象,張衡則細密而緩慢地移動視角,因此其所敘述 的是當下即是的具體情景,而不再牽繫著背後的整全情境。在諷諫策略上,張衡 也由迂迴周旋的交感觸發,轉向明確的議論性總結,更直接的在文本中框定諷諫 的意涵。在篇章結構與文學形式上,更明白表現張衡如何透過思力經營,使得文 學書寫不再是連類物象的集合,而是有著自我邊界的一個對象物。在這樣的討論 中,我們有意識地突出張衡相對於引譬連類的理性精神,並由此重新梳理張衡在 文學史上新變地位背後的整體脈絡。


引譬連類 時間 張衡 漢賦轉型


Through the research on "Categorical Association", professor Yu-Yu Cheng not only completed the background of "Chinese Lyrical Tradition", but also developed a new vision for Chinese literature. Based on this, we started a research on the concept of "Time", trying to explore the other side of the construction of knowledge and develop a more extensive and inclusive vision for Chinese literature. The main part of this research will be divided in three dimensions, including discussions on the concept of "time", the construction of awareness framework and a case study of Zhang Heng. We will begin with clarifying how people understand the concept of "time" by analyzing the word「時」, focusing on its word-formation and redefining its category. Then, we will discuss with the awareness of seasons and time-measuring apparatuses.Because our purpose is to find the thread of thought against "Categorical Association", we must emphasize on the time-measuring apparatuses, trying to figure out how people divide time in a year and a day. Through this, we may be able to describe how people understand the concept of "time" in the period of Qin and Han. Finally, we will take a case study of Zhang Heng. First, we will display how Zhang Heng's unique aspiration and emphasize his talent for machinery. On account of these unique cerebration,Zhang Heng had shown a thread of thought different from "Categorical Association", and closer to science.Then,we will analyze Zhang Heng's narrative idiosyncrasy, satire strategy, discourse structure and literary form. Consequently, we could reveal the other side of thought from "Categorical Association", and exhibit its influence on literature. Literature,in this case, was not a aggregate of associating things, but an object with its own independent boundary.As a result,we could reconstruct the thread of thought of the innovation in the history of Chinese literature.


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