  • 學位論文


An Evaluation of Perceived Benefits from Elementary School Fences Reform in Taipei

指導教授 : 林建元


都市地區的學校基於管理與校園安全的考量,通常會以高聳的圍牆阻隔校園內外空間的連結。近年來,學校園圍牆的建造型式漸漸轉變為以圍欄、綠籬、低垣取代,模糊內與外的界線。以台北市政府所推動的台北好好看系列五─「看見友善校園、亮麗學校圍籬」計畫為例,以綠化、降低圍牆高度、增加圍牆透空率為手段,將圍牆改造為穿透性佳的圍欄、綠籬或低垣等形式的圍牆,並期待透過校園空間的開放,與附近鄰里建立更密切的關係,讓學生家長與社區得共同監督校園安全。然而將圍牆高度降低與提高圍牆通透性等改造方式往往引起了教師、家長對校園安全管理的擔憂。為有效地評估此政策之效益,亟需一套妥適的評估方法,以分析校園圍牆改造究竟能產生何種效益。本研究之目的係建構校園圍牆改造效益評估架構,探討社會大眾對於校園圍牆改造之期待和滿意程度,並以個案研究方式,估計不同校園圍牆改造形式之環境經濟效益。 本研究以金華國小、木柵國小、興隆國小與西園國小為個案研究對象。首先透過文獻回顧建構校園圍牆改造之評估指標,運用使用後評估、重要績效分析和條件評估法等方法針對校園圍牆改造各項環境功能、使用者之期待與滿意程度,以及願付價格依使用者屬性等因子加以評估,並建構校園圍牆改造受訪者願付價格之解釋模型。 問卷調查對象包括教師、家長和非家長三部分,主要研究發現包括:(一)受訪者對於景觀面向之提升環境美化效果、提升環境綠化效果和提高視覺通透性的滿意度皆最高。(二)所有受訪者在圍牆改造後,對於校園安全管理疑慮的比例皆明顯降低,受訪者對於校園圍牆改造之校園安全管理的疑慮,係因事前對於結果的不確定而產生的擔憂。(三)最具影響校園圍牆改造願付價格之關鍵因子,統計分析顯示為受訪者之個人月收入、是否擁有不動產於學校附近、滿意度、是否有子女就讀、與是否曾擔任學校義工等。(四)校園圍牆改造之環境經濟價值,就總體而言,行人平均每人願付價格為新台幣843元、社區居民平均每人願付價格為新台幣1,537元。建議政府未來可透過成果展觀摩,降低民眾對於校園圍牆改造之安全性疑慮、校園圍牆改造形式之設計應更重視利益關係人在決策過程的參與。


In urban areas, due to the consideration of campus management and safety, tall fences are often used to surround the campus. Recently, more and more schools have replaced tall fences with greening and low fences. For example, in the so-called ”Taipei Beautiful Program” promoted by Taipei City Government, incentives are offered to encourage greening and lowering of the school fences. It is hoped that the relationship between the school and neighborhood residents can be improved However, some of the school teachers and parents worried about the security of the school fences reform. In order to solve the social dispute, an evaluation method is critically needed to evaluate the value of school fences reformd. In addition to the development of theoretical evaluation system and case study, the purpose of this thesis is to analyze and estimate the economic value for school fences reform. Four schools in Taipei are included for the case study. Firstly, evaluation indicators are identified. Then, methods of post evaluation, importance-performance analysis, and willingness to pay are applied to evaluate environment values, user demand and user satisfaction. School teachers, parents and non-parents are targeted in the questionnaire survey. Major research findings include: (a) Most respondents are pleased to welcome the landscape beautification benefits. (b) Anxiety of school security had decreased after the completion of fence reform. (c) Statistical analysis shows that personal income, real estate owners in the surrounding area, parents of the school’s student, and the volunteer of school are the major factors influencing the amount of willingness to pay. (d) The survey shows that the average willingness to pay by passing pedestrians is NT$843, and the average willingness to pay of community residents is NT$1,537. In the future, psychological upset of elementary school fences reform can be improved by the demo of achievements and active involvement of relates stakeholders in the design process.


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