

協商,在現代社會是門重要的學科。有著釵h的議題,例如分割、仲裁、斡旋、衝突與結盟等等,應用性相當的廣泛。特別在商業的領域內,妥善應用協商技巧將對企業的經營帶來更大的利益。本論文將以協商的子議題「結盟」為主要研究討論的項目。結盟是指「透過結合其他團體來有效達成目地的行為。」 本文首先介紹結盟的發展背景、學術演進、近代結盟的基本觀念及戰術。其次,爲了讓學術的討論能有更多現實的應用,本文介紹有關「結盟的策略性排序」,其定義是:「如何透過選擇次序而有效率的達成結盟目的」對於結盟動態過程的經濟效益,具有分析的價值性。本文重點在透過實例分析結盟的操作,以得到與學術的應證。 本文採用的例子是中國戰國時代(公元前481年到公元前221年)著名的「秦相張儀連橫東方六國以事秦」。張儀提倡連橫主要的目的是瓦解當時國際間由蘇秦領導的「六國合縱以抗秦」的局面。本文將透過模型的假設建立、史料的收集分類、資料量化分析、與結盟學術的解釋,來重建張儀連橫六國的順序,並提出經濟分析。 本文的實例分析採取中國兩千年三百年前著名的歷史事件,結合西方協商理論下的「結盟」議題來分析,是一種新的嘗試。也希望在本文中所提出的一些模型假設與分析構思,可以對於往後的學者們有微薄的啟發。




Negotiation, consisting of fair division, arbitration procedures, mediation, conflict and coalition, is a very important and wildly applied subject nowadays. Especially in business area, it will bring huge benefits to business if negotiation skill can be used well. Coalition is the main issue in this thesis. Coalition can be defined as “through cooperating with other groups to effectively achieve the goal”. This thesis first introduces the background and academic progress of coalition, and the basic concepts and tactics of modern coalition theory. Then, this thesis introduces an important research issue of coalition in application, i.e., “coalitional strategic sequencing” with an emphasis on “how to effectively achieve the goal of coalition through the strategic sequencing.” The focus of this thesis is on analyzing a real case. The real case that this thesis analyzes happened in the period of Warring States in Chinese history (from 481 B.C. to 221 B.C.), which is well-known as “Aligning the Six States of East with Chin by Chang I, the prime minister of Chin state”. Chang I promotes the coalition policy which the main purpose is to disintegrate the coalition (of the six eastern states against Chin) once formed by Su Chin. This thesis adopts a model-building approach for analyzing such a real case. The idea of applying modern management science tool to analyze an important historic event in Chinese history is a new trial, which may inspire more future works in this direction.




Bolton, Gary E. and Kalyan Chatterjee, "Coalition formation, communication and
Bolton, Gary E. and Kalyan Chatterjee, "How Communication Links Influence
Allison,Graham T,1971 Essence od Decision:Explaining the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Axelrod, Robert. 1970. Conflict of interest. Chicago: Markham
Baucells, Manel and Rakesh K. Sarin.”Group Decisions with Multiple Criteria.”

