  • 學位論文

兩岸社會建構之空間表達—— 族群遷徙背景下閩台傳統聚落信仰空間的穿越之旅

The Spatial Expression of Taiwan and Mainland China's Social Construction——An Exploration of the Sacred Space based on Ethnic Migration in the Traditional Settlements in Fujian and Taiwan

指導教授 : 劉可強


「一年而所居成聚,二年成邑,三年成都」。傳統聚落的形成,通常來說都是一個「落而成之」的發展過程。可見,聚落乃是一個歷史的範疇,有其自身形成及發展的規律存在。古往今來,人們都是通過定居而集聚,通過營造(生活空間、信仰空間的營造)與使用(各種社會生活的展演)而賦予聚落空間以意義。反過來,作為人類活動的起始形態,聚落又是一個最基層的、最貼近生活的、體系完整的小型社會單元。它不僅包含了居住、社交、生產勞動等方方面面的內容,同時還充分反映了人與人之間、人與社會之間的互動關係。就比如,種姓社群的凝聚與分衍乃促進了聚落空間的聚集與分離,而不同的聚落空間形態反過來又呈現了各社群組織間的相互關係。由此,我們便可以通過對聚落空間的研究,來探索聚落社會的發展和演變。 本研究嘗試把信仰空間的調查研究作為認知一個傳統聚落的途徑,以此來探索社會建構與聚落空間形態之間的關聯性,以及其中的互動機制。根植於社會大環境的聚落神緣結構通過民間信仰滲透到人們的日常生活之中,而後又通過帝國防禦的概念借用,以及人們「領域」意識的強化作用,形成了不同層級的無形空間防禦體系,從而保證聚落生活的安全有序。這個過程的釐清,對於我們有效認知傳統聚落空間的營造和傳統社會體系的建構,想必是有所幫助的。 而另一方面,族群的遷徙和文化的傳播乃是人類社會在歷史的演繹中永恆不休的段落。由此而來的就是,分衍台灣海峽兩岸四地的血緣聚落(金門瓊林、廈門蔡厝、澎湖水垵、台南後營)之間的關聯性的問題的提出。傳統聚落的社會結構和空間形態大多建構在或深或淺的血緣關係之上,尤其是那些單姓宗族聚落,宗族關係常常扮演著維持聚落社會秩序和凝聚力的角色。而在這四個聚落當中,不論是以血緣為紐帶的宗族組織關係,還是以地緣為基礎的多姓社群組織,都在搭配了信仰文化因素之後,一同外化在傳統聚落的空間排布、組織層級、建築形態等方方面面。形成了主次分明、內外有別的空間位序格局。由此,筆者藉助對這四個血緣聚落的信仰空間的研究,來梳理各自聚落的空間發展脈絡,進而挖掘出隱藏在背後的社會建構的力量,並且作橫向的對比呈現。 以上兩點便是本研究的核心關切。


There is a saying that those residential areas which gather people together will be an settlements in one year, will be a town in two years, and will be a capital in three years. It shows that the formation of traditional settlement is a developing process. Moreover, there must be some specific characters and rules inside the evolution. Throughout the ages, people gather together by settling down, and by creating and making use of the areas, each space contains specific functions and emotions .And conversely, the space also have impacts on human activities, because it’s small but close to daily life. Human settlement is the most original and most basic social units with a complete system .It not only contains the content of living, social network, production work and so on, but also a reflection of interaction between people and the society. Thus, the study of traditional settlement may reveal the development and evolution process of the traditional communities. This thesis attempts to study the religious space as an approach to understanding the traditional settlement, in order to explore the relevance and the interactive mechanism between social structure and the settlements’ spatial form. Based on the social environment, God relationship permeates through folk belief and rituals into people’s daily life. And then strengthened by the religious concept and the awareness of "territory", it comes out to be an invisible multi-level of space defense system, which ensures a safe and orderly life. Making the interactive mechanism clarified can help us to get more understanding of the formation of traditional settlement space as well as traditional social system. Secondly, ethnic migration and cultural communication is always existed in the evolution of human society .This thesis takes four blood related settlements to do the case study. Traditional social system and spatial structure is originally based on blood relationship, especially those family village in which people share the same surname, and agnation always maintains social order as well as social cohesion. Organized by cultural beliefs ---- no matter based on blood relationship or geographical relationship ---- the four districts are all externalized to be the kind of space structure with clear distinction between the significant and the secondary, and between inside and outside. Thus, the author tried to clarify the context of each of the four districts’ space development through studies on their religious space, and then attempted to find out the power of social construction which is hidden behind.


李豐楙(2010)〈「中央-四方」空間模型:五營信仰的營衛與境域觀〉,《中正大學中文學術年刊》,2010 年第一期(總第十五期) ,2010 年6 月,第33-70頁。


