  • 學位論文

養老是好生意?─ 從長庚養生文化村看台灣的老人住宅政策

The Elderly Housing Policy of Taiwan: The Case of Chang Gung Elderly Housing Project

指導教授 : 夏鋳九


摘要 內政部於2003年8月提出「促進民間參與老人住宅建設推動方案」,未來民間興建專供老人租賃之住宅,投資金額達一定門檻者,即可提出申請,享受各項優惠。政府並採三年三百公頃總量管制方式,開放一般農地作為興建老人住宅用地,期能創造就業機會,帶動農村經濟復甦。此一商機已引起台灣財團與企業之高度興趣。 財團法人長庚醫院在桃園縣龜山鄉興建的超大型老人住宅社區─長庚養生文化村,在與政府相關單位就申請設立適用法規與地目變更問題折衝多年之後,終於突破法規限制,總共四千戶,可容納六千老人之長庚養生文化村第一期七百零六戶住宅已於2004年底完工,然而啟用半年來僅有七、八十位老人進住,與業者原先預期有極大落差。 而內政部在促參優惠措施推出一年半之後,由於績效不佳,也正研議修改「老人住宅綜合管理要點」,取消老人住宅不得買賣的限制。 老人住宅果真是好生意嗎? 台灣政府一向以發展自有住宅市場為主,並未提供需要照顧的弱勢民眾足夠的社會住宅或出租住宅,即使原本負有社會住宅使命的國民住宅政策卻向中等家戶傾斜,低所得家戶反而買不起國宅,這是台灣住宅政策最大問題。 在老人住宅政策方面,政府長期以來在機構發展與居家服務方面的資源投入差距懸殊,促進民間參與老人住宅建設推動方案除了為因應人口高齡化之需求之外,也兼帶負有刺激房地產投資的使命,由於對老人住宅規模未作任何限制,因而出現超大規模的長庚養生文化村,然而,由市場反應來看,先前對老人住宅商機的樂觀預期似乎有必要修正。原因或許是時機未至,也或許是台灣社會根本不需要如此大量的老人住宅,因為住得起的人多半都有自己的住宅,沒有自宅的大概也住不起。 政府為了獎勵投資,將社會福利資源作兩極化分配,照顧中低收入戶與中高所得者,夾在兩端之間的中所得者反倒成為被遺忘的一群,顯然有失公平正義。中間的這群老人既無法享受老人住宅之無障礙環境,亦無法獲得補助或租稅優惠,但這群老人卻是人數最多的一群,即使要以發展產業的方式來提供照顧,也應以這群老人為對象,發展無障礙環境修繕產業,以真正造福大多數老人。 台灣社會福利正逐漸走向營利化與商品化,以老人住宅為例,即逐步放棄了對弱勢者的服務,而偏好服務富人。雖然國外受民營化的衝擊與影響不一,但大致上均強調監督管理機制的重要,並同時發展社區照顧以與機構照顧形成配套式的服務,而這正是台灣社會福利走向民營化過程中亟須補強之處。 與市場反應相較,台灣政府與業界對老人住宅需求似有高估之嫌,業者投資之時應格外謹慎,避免重蹈日本老人住宅產業泡沫化覆轍。政府應做好管制工作,以確保入居者權益。日本老人住宅入居者基金制度值得主事者借鏡。 關鍵字:老人住宅、老人安養、住宅政策、促參


Abstract In consideration of the senior citizens’ welfare measures under aging trend, Taiwan government has the industry of non-governmental investment in senior citizens’ housing development fallen under the range of significant public construction as provided in the Act on Encouragement and Promote Nongovernmental Participation in Public Construction, along with the incentives to promote non-governmental participation in public construction. Chang Gung Elderly Housing Project is the first elderly housing project established after the government’s promoting effort was brought forward. The Chang Gung Project is the biggest one in the world, with 4,000 households that can dwell up to 6,000 senior citizens. And breaking the upper limit of the magnitude of the project costs Chang Gung more than ten years to struggle with the government. Yet, six months after the opening of the first section of the project with 706 household, only eighty-odd people moved in. . And the government also faces the same kind predicament, getting only one company signed up building contract with a local government in a year and a half. So, the government is planning to change the rules, allowing contractors to chose to sell the elderly housing instead only for renting. Is elderly care really a good business? Up to 85% families own their own house in Taiwan, that leaves not much space for the institutes to expand. And those poorer people who don’t have their own house probably wouldn’t be able to pay for the elderly housing. The incentives to promote non-governmental participation in elderly housing construction makes the social welfare resources attributed in a very unfair way., taking care of the high end of the society, along with its traditional duty for the low end, and drop the middle. The middle class dwelling in their own house need more community-care that the government devoted very little resources. The government is with responsibility to make careful control of the elderly housing investment to become a bubble, and also to protect the dwellers in the elderly housing that go out of business. Keywords: elderly housing, elderly care, housing policy, promote nongovernmental participation


林萬億(2003)〈論我國的社會住宅政策與社會照顧的結合〉。《國家政策季刊》2:4, 53-82。


