  • 學位論文


Analysis of Internet Platform Operation Startegy for Agricultural Products: The Case of S Company

指導教授 : 陳政位


近年來,行動上網裝置的普及與農產品網路平台的建立提供了消費者多元採購農產品的管道。然而對網路平台的經營者而言,在高度競爭性的環境下,則需要隨時檢視其經營績效與策略。本研究以經營網路平台的S公司為例,透過2014-2016年三年資料,進行產品面、行銷面、以及後勤面等三個方向之檢視,以瞭解經營農產品網站的經營績效,並提出未來可行性之策略。 實證結果之發現如下。首先在產品面,雖然水果類佔營收比例高,但產季與氣候因素易影響營收,因此建議S公司可向供貨廠商以預購的方式來確保供貨量,以穩定利潤水準。而養身補氣類產品逐漸增加對營收之貢獻,則是每月基本營收的來源。其次在行銷面,由於S公司只有網路銷售管道,而網路廣告的費用佔營收20%以上,因此建議S公司需改善舊會員之回購率,並加強在Facebook粉絲團與LINE@社群媒體等之經營策略,使非廣告的網站流量能提升增加毛利。最後在後勤面,在銷售易於損壞的生鮮農產品後,應立即對顧客進行滿意度之調查,調查結果可作為淘汰不良供貨商與物流業者的依據。此外,顧客到超商店取貨或部分地區以機車送貨的方式,可降低物流成本與運費。


The popularity of mobile devices and the emergence of agricultural product network platforms provide consumers for multiple purchasing channels. However, it is necessary for a network-platform firm to investigate the operation performance and strategies under high competitive environment. The study analyzes the operation performance of the S Company based on the products provided, marketing, and after-sales service, respectively. The monthly data of revenue, costs, and customer characteristics from 2014 to 2017 is under investigation. The feasible strategies are addressed thereafter. The findings and recommendations for S Company are as follows. First, in terms of products provided, although fruits accounts for a high proportion of revenue, it is influenced easily by the factors of seasonality and climate. The study suggests that S Company order in advance from suppliers to ensure quantities and stable profits. Additionally, the category of healthy drinks contributes revenue increasingly and is the basic source of monthly revenue. Second, with respect to marketing, sales from the internet are the only sale-channel and the cost of online advertising accounts for more than 20% of the revenue. The study suggests that S Company improve the repurchase rate of old members and strengthen the operation in Facebook fans and LINE@ community media to increase non-advertising website traffic for improving gross margin. Finally, in terms of after-sale service, the study suggest that S Company conduct the survey of customer satisfaction after selling fresh agricultural products. The analysis of the survey is the basis for replacing unqualified suppliers and logistics operators. In addition, pick-up service from convenient stores or motorcycle-delivery service for some areas may be feasible strategies to reduce logistics costs and freights.


