  • 學位論文


Enforcement Style Differences of Front-line Inspectors When Inspecting Different Types of Food Places

指導教授 : 王宏文


基層官僚在執行政策時,遭遇到許多壓力以及困境,在此情形下,基層官僚欲完成任務,勢必需要發展出一套應對機制,此些機制會展現在稽查風格上,因此,本文以臺北市、新北市以及彰化縣的餐飲稽查人員為研究對象,並運用量化以及質化方法,分析其稽查風格的分布、轉變以及影響因素。 筆者提出三個研究問題,首先,稽查風格的分類標準以及結果為何?再者,稽查風格是否會因對象不同而有所差異?最後,影響稽查風格的因素為何?為能夠回答上述三個問題,本文透過主成分分析法篩選分類標準,並透過叢集分析法找出風格分類以及轉變,接續透過羅吉斯回歸以及多元羅吉斯回歸探詢影響風格的因素,並且輔以深度訪談,藉以彌補量化研究之不足。 研究結果指出臺灣的餐飲稽查人員可透過嚴厲執法程度以及溝通協調程度,將風格分為溝通協調型、例行公事型以及嚴格執法型三種,而稽所處的地區、業者特性、稽查人員的學科背景以及年資會影響稽查風格的分布以及轉變與否。 透過本研究,在學術層面,可補足過去文獻對於稽查風格研究的侷限,對於基層官僚相關研究能有所助益,於實務層面,可作為各縣市分派稽查人員人力之參考,以提升執法的效能與效率。


Street-level bureaucracy implements policies under multiple difficulties. In order to fulfill the policy goals, they have to establish coping mechanisms which are shown on enforcement styles. Therefore, this research focuses on enforcement styles of food inspectors who in three counties in Taiwan through quantitative and qualitative methods. This article purposes three research questions to answer. First, what are the criteria and results of enforcement styles in Taiwan? Second, whether styles changes among different eating and drinking places? Third, what are factors affecting enforcement styles? Through principle component analysis and cluster analysis, this article answers first and second question. Next, solving third question by logistic regression, multinomial regression and depth-interview methods. Results suggest that enforcement styles in Taiwan are categorized into three groups such as communicative-and-negotiated, routine and strictly-implementation types by degree of strict-enforcement and degree of flexible-communication. Region, business types, subject background and tenure of inspectors influence enforcement styles. This research contributes to both academic and practical fields. Results from research clarify and improve theories of enforcement styles and policy implementation. On the other hand, this article can be used by department of health when allocating human resources in order to enhance performance of food security in Taiwan.


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