  • 學位論文


A Study of the Work Values and Professional Commitment of Clinical Research Nurses in Taiwan

指導教授 : 李雅玲


臨床研究護理師是執行臨床試驗時不可或缺的角色之一,但臨床研究護理師的專業角色尚在發展中,許多議題都尚未被探討過,因此本研究便希望能夠針對臺灣臨床研究護理師的工作價值觀及專業承諾做探討。 本研究的研究目的有:一、了解臨床研究護理師個人屬性與工作價值觀之差異,二、了解臨床研究護理師個人屬性與專業承諾的差異,以及三、了解臨床研究護理師工作價值觀與專業承諾的相關性。四、了解影響工作價值觀與專業承諾的相關因素。 本研究以結構式問卷為研究工具進行調查,問卷內容包含基本資料、工作價值觀量表以及專業承諾量表,時間自民國102年2月21日至102年6月30日,研究對象為現任或曾經擔任臨床研究護理師滿六個月以上者。採滾雪球方式,共收案119位臨床研究護理師。以SPSS17.0統計軟體進行統計分析。經信度分析,工作價值觀量表Cronbach’s α = 0.93,專業承諾量表Cronbach’s α = 0.96。 研究結果發現,在滿分為5分的評分標準下,工作價值觀分數之平均值為3.92,專業承諾分數之平均值為3.68,皆屬中上程度,顯示臨床研究護理師多半滿足於從事此份工作,也多有意願持續擔任研究護理師。教育程度、工作職稱、家人支持度、是否在職進修與整體工作價值觀有顯著差異(F = 4.20,p = 0.017;F = 3.03,p = 0.032;F = 6.88,p = 0.001;F = 2.37,p = 0.020);而年齡、教育程度、婚姻狀況、工作年資、每月薪資、每週工作時數、受雇機構/人、家人支持度、是否在職進修與整體專業承諾有顯著差異(F = 4.09,p = 0.019;F = 3.32,p = 0.040;F = -2.60,p = 0.011;F = 3.19,p = 0.016;F = 5.79,p = 0.004;F = 3.76,p = 0.026;F = 4.75,p = 0.010;F = 6.07,p = 0.003;F = 2.80,p = 0.006 )。工作價值觀與專業承諾則互達顯著正相關(r = 0.584,p < 0.01)。此外,迴歸分析結果顯示影響工作價值觀的因素有:教育程度為大學、家人支持度為支持、家人支持度為無意見或不支持(R2 = 0.227,β = -0.271、-0.308、-0.410)。而影響專業承諾的相關因素有:工作年資滿1年以上未滿3年、受雇機構/人為醫師或個人自由接案或其他、家人支持度無意見或不支持(R2 = 0.319,β = 0.328、-0.194、-0.342)。 本研究呈現了目前臺灣臨床研究護理師的工作價值觀與專業承諾現況,希望能夠對臨床研究護理專業的發展、專業角色的建立以及薪資福利制度的改善有所幫助,並提升臨床試驗的護理照顧品質。


The clinical research nurse is one of the important members in clinical trials, but the professional role of clinical research nurses is not fully developed. There are still lots of issues not been dis¬cussed, so this study is to discuss the work values and profes¬sional commit¬ment of clinical research nurses in Taiwan. There are three aims for this study: 1, to understand the difference between basic at¬tributes and work values; 2, to understand the defference between basic attrib¬utes and professional commitment; 3, to explore the correlationship between work val¬ues and professional commitment; and 4, to understand the factors that affect work values and professional commitment. The study used structured questionnaires including demographic and social characteris¬tics, work values scale, and professional commitment scale. Clinical research nurses who can be enrolled are those having carried out the job more than 6 months by the time of enrollment. The study started from February 21, 2013 to June 30, 2013, and totally 119 subjects have been enrolled by snowball sampling. Data were analyzed by using SPSS 17.0 statistic software. Inter¬nal consistency of reliability was calculated by using Cronbach’s alpha, work values scale, 0.93 and professional commitment scale, 0.96. The results show that the mean score of work values is 3.92 point, and the mean score of professional commitment is 3.86 point under the full score is 5. That means more than helf clinical research nurses satisfied in this job and still willing to be clinical research nurses. Education level, position title, family support and inservice training are significantly different from total work values (F = 4.20, p = 0.017; F = 3.03, p = 0.032; F = 6.88, p = 0.001; F = 2.37, p = 0.020). Age, education level, marriage, years of work experience, monthly salary, weekly hours of work, institution of employment, family support and inservice training are signifi¬cantly different from total professional commitment (F = 4.09, p = 0.019; F = 3.32, p = 0.040; F = -2.60, p = 0.011; F = 3.19, p = 0.016; F = 5.79, p = 0.004; F = 3.76, p = 0.026; F = 4.75, p = 0.010; F = 6.07, p = 0.003; F = 2.80, p = 0.006).The work values are posi¬tively correlated with professional commitment (r = 0.584, p < 0.01). The results of regression analysis show that education level in university, family support by supporting, and family support by no comment or not support are the influence factors of work values (R2 = 0.227, β = -0.271, -0.308, -0.410). Years of work experience from 1 year to 3 years, institution of employment by doctor or freelance or other, and family support by no comment or not support are the influence factors of professional commitment (R2 = 0.319, β = 0.328, -0.194, -0.342). This research shows the current situation of work values and professional commit-ment of clinical research nurses in Taiwan, and expects that the results can help not only to develop the professional role of clinical research nurses and improve the salary welfare system, but also to increase the quality of clinical trials.




