  • 學位論文


A Preliminary Study about the Reason of Match Fixing in Chinese Professional Baseball League

指導教授 : 黃俊堯


棒球,無疑是台灣民眾最熱衷的運動,甚至可稱為是台灣的國球。然而台灣職業棒球才發展短短22年卻已爆發五次假球案,嚴重衝擊國內棒球環境,造成台灣棒球人才不斷流失,國家棒球競爭力也日趨落後於日韓。為了根治職棒的打假球問題,著實有必要瞭解假球案發生的原因,因此本研究希望能從學術研究的角度出發,探討假球案背後發生的影響因素為何,進而提出改進方向,以盼能改善國內職棒環境,再創國內職棒榮景! 假球案發生的原因有許多層面可以探討,本研究將以球員本身的個人因素為主,職棒外在環境為輔作為分析的出發點,利用邏輯斯迴歸與Cox迴歸對球員的歷史表現數據進行分析,以盼能找出影響球員打假球的解釋變數。研究結果可以將球員打假球的因素分為三部分:經濟因素、心理因素與環境因素。在經濟因素方面,球員並不會因為所得面的影響而打假球,反而是消費需求會對球員打假球與否造成影響;在心理因素方面,球員本身的榮譽感為是否參與打假球的重要影響因素,而球員藉由本身的貢獻所獲得的利益大小亦會經由公平與否影響打假球的意願,唯此效果大小可能會因各人消費需求的不同而有所不同;在環境因素方面,制度設計的缺失導致聯盟產生部分領乾薪的球員,公務員心態將增加球員打假球的道德風險,而組頭招攬球員的方式也容易使球員受同儕的影響而選擇配合打假球。而根據這三方面的因素,本研究最終歸納出三項建議,分別為「聯盟制度修改」、「公權力介入」與「完善教育系統」。 最後,由於本研究在數據分析上具有部分的限制,因此也期盼往後能有更多研究者投入相關的研究領域當中,從多方探究假球案發生的原因,一同協助台灣的職棒圈脫離假球陰影!


Since match-fixing in Chinese Professional Baseball League (CPBL) occurs repeatedly in merely 22 years, the main purpose of this study is to realize what factors can affect the occurrence of match-fixing. This subject is analyzed by the use of historical data of players, and the analysis methods are logistic regression and cox regression. The result appeals that the reason of match-fixing can refer to three factors: economy factor, psychology factor and environment factor. In economy factor, pressure from income side may become pressure of expenditure side, and then individual demand of consumption may affect players whether accept the match-fixing or not. In psychology factor, fairness and the honor of being a baseball player are important variables, but the magnitude of fairness effect depends on the demand of consumption of players. And in environment factor, the defect of the rule of league may increase the moral hazard of match-fixing, and the way of gambler controlling players may also increase the probability of match-fixing. To solve these problems, this study recommends three suggestions: modify the rule of league, government interferes and improve the education system.


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