  • 學位論文


Three-dimensional Surface Water Wave Diffraction and Scattering Analysis Using Green’s Function

指導教授 : 陳義裕




Diffraction and scattering of water wave are common and important problems in physics and engineering. In this thesis, we use Green's function method to analysis the two problems. For diffraction, we apply Green's function method to derive the formula of slit diffraction to explain Huygens principle, which is usually just an analogy in water wave diffraction. We use the similar way that Kirchhoff derive his diffraction formula in optics. For scattering, we assume that the bottom of water is roughly flat with small variations. We use Green's function combined with perturbation method and obtain the formula of the scattering problem. We also use matching method to calculate a special case and then we find that the result is consistent with our formula.


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