  • 學位論文


Translocation of Calcium and Effects of Temperature, Defoliation and Ethephon on Reducing Upper Leaf Necrosis in Lilium ‘Star Gazer’

指導教授 : 張耀乾


東方型百合上位葉易於栽培過程中,因鈣元素不足而出現部分葉片褐化與焦枯,此現象稱為上位葉病變 (Upper leaf necrosis, ULN)。本研究利用鍶作為鈣之示蹤劑以瞭解鈣於葵百合種球內運移情形,另研究上位葉病變之改善方法,並探討益收生長素降低葵百合上位葉病變之作用機制。 鍶與鈣有元素結構上相似性,可利用鍶作為植物體內鈣之示蹤劑。葵百合 (Lilium 'Star Gazer') 種球於前一季以硝酸鈣或硝酸鍶處理,收穫並於本季種植。正常種球與含鍶種球在種植後,分析各器官鍶含量佔鍶與鈣含量總和之比值,推估鈣於種球內運移情形。地上部隨著種植後天數增加,鍶含量相對比 [Sr/(Ca+Sr)] 減少,第一次試驗由0.16降至0.01,第二次試驗由0.12降至0.006。中節位莖葉鍶處理組的鍶含量相對比,隨著種植後天數增加由0.024降至0.015。上節位莖葉鍶處理組的鍶含量相對比,隨著種植後天數增加由0.032降至0.01。結果顯示鍶處理組,在地上部生長初期鍶相對比較高,隨著地上部快速生長,乾物重與鈣含量快速累積,鍶所佔之比例隨之下降,表示地上部生長初期主要由種球供應生長所需之鍶源;種植後第40天時,地上部節位越高則鍶相對比越低,表示中、上節位莖葉鈣多由根部吸收獲得。另外,葵百合於生長期中施用硝酸鍶處理,地上部在種植後第30至40天,鍶含量快速增加,顯示地上部進入快速生長期後,鈣主要來自於土壤。 上位葉病變罹病程度與完全展葉時間有關。葵百合於種植後第20天,進行日夜溫15/13、20/15、25/20與30/25 oC溫度處理,低溫處理組完全展葉時間較慢,植株上位葉病變較嚴重。葵百合於種植後第33天去除由基部往上數之葉片8、16和24片,皆能改善上位葉病變罹病率與罹病程度,增加花朵數。種球種植前浸泡益收生長素接觸面積越大,上位葉病變改善效果也較佳,而盲芽數則隨著接觸面積增加而增加。隨著浸泡的益收生長素濃度增加(125至1250 mg∙L-1),作用效期越長,對於植株影響越大。在相同益收生長素濃度與相同浸泡時間處理下,浸泡溶液之溫度(15至45 oC)與pH值(3至11),並不影響乙烯作用效期。因此,將整顆種球浸泡125 mg∙L-1益收生長素3分鐘,可改善東方型百合上位葉病變之罹病程度,無需另外調整溶液溫度與pH。


百合 葵百合 缺鈣 上位葉病變 除葉 益收生長素


Upper leaf necrosis (ULN) of oriental hybrid lilies is a calcium (Ca) deficiency disorder, commonly observed as leaf tipburn. This study mainly aimed to understand calcium translocation within Lilium 'Star Gazer' plant and to develop methods to reduce ULN. Mechanism of ethylene production from ethephon for reducing ULN severity in Lilium 'Star Gazer' was also examined. To investigate Ca translocation in lilies, strontium (Sr) was used as a tracer for Ca. Regular bulbs and Sr-enriched bulbs of Lilium ‘Star Gazer’ were harvested from plants treated with Ca(NO3)2 and Sr(NO3)2 in the previous growing season, respectively. Stem relative Sr content, defined as Sr / (Sr + Ca), decreased with time from 0.16 to 0.01 in the first experiment, and from 0.12 to 0.006 in the second experiment. The relative Sr contents in mid- and upper-part of shoot decreased with time from 0.024 to 0.015 and 0.032 to 0.01, respectively. The results demostrated bulb was the main source of Ca in the initial stage of shoot elongation. At 40 days after planting, the lower shoot had higher relative Sr content, suggesting that calcium requirements of upper shoot were provided via root absorption. Moreover, Lilium ‘Star Gazer’ supplemented with Sr in the growing season, Sr content of shoot had a rapid increase from 30 to 40 days after planting, suggesting that soil was the main source of Ca in the rapid growth phase of lily. Severity of ULN was positively correlated with time required to complete leaf unfolding. Lilium ‘Star Gazer’ plants were transfered to phytotrons at 20 days after planting and grown at day / night temperature of 15/13, 20/15, 25/20 and 30/25 oC. Low temperatures resueted in longer period of leaf unfolding and more sever ULN. Removing 8, 16, or 24 leaves from the base at 33 days after planting reduced ULN severity and increased number of flowers. Increasing immersion surface area during ethephon dipping reduced ULN severity after planting, but increased number of blind buds. Effective period of ethephon on reducing ULN increased with increasing ethephon concentration. At the same ethephon concentration, solution with temperature of 15 to 45 oC and pH of 3 to 11 resulted in the same effective duration. Whole-bulb dipping in 125 mg∙L-1 ethephon solution for three minutes, regardless of solution temperature (15 to 45 oC) and pH (3 to 11), all reduced ULN severity, suggesting no adjustment of solution temperature and pH is required.


lily lilium star gazer Ca calcium ULN upper leaf necrosis Sr strontium remove leaf ethephon


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