  • 學位論文


The Moderating Effect of Environment Uncertainty on the Relationship of Inter-team Coordination and New Product Performance

指導教授 : 江俊毅


現今新產品開發仰賴多團隊的方式進行,然而環境的快速、劇烈變動,使新產品開發專案面臨不確定性,影響新產品開發的過程以及結果。參與新產品開發專案的多個團隊之間須有良好的資訊交流,降低不確定性帶來的風險,然而新產品開發的多團隊間協調鮮少被探討。本研究探討需求不確定性、技術不確定性在新產品開發團隊間的行政性協調、專業知識協調對專案表現的關係,採用問卷調查進行實證研究,基於61份有效問卷,發現(1) 團隊間的行政性協調及專業知識協調對專案表現有正向影響;(2)需求不確定正向調節專案團隊間行政性協調與產品表現間的關係;(3)技術不確定性負向調節專業知識協調和產品表現間的關係。本研究證實,在不確定性高的情形下,團隊之間的協調對於新產品表現有顯著的正面影響,進而提升產品在市場的競爭力,提供企業可能建議,對理論及實務皆有貢獻。


Organizations currently tend to utilize multiple teams to develop new products. However, the intense and rapid changes in the environment make development processes faced with uncertainty, which influences the process and the outcomes of development processes. Development teams within the project need to have adequate information exchange and reduce the risks caused by uncertainty. Nevertheless, the coordination between teams in new product development is seldom discussed by researchers. In this study, we investigate the impacts of requirements uncertainty and technical uncertainty on the relationship between inter-team administrative coordination, inter-team expertise coordination and new product performance. And empirical research is conducted based on 61 pairs of effective questionnaires. The results indicated that inter-team administrative coordination and inter-team expertise coordination has positive impacts on new product performance. Then, requirements uncertainty has a positive moderating effect on inter-team administrative coordination and product performance. However, technical uncertainty has a negative moderating effect on inter-team expertise coordination and product performance. This study confirms inter-team coordination has significantly positive impacts on product performance when facing the high degree of uncertainty. That improve the advantages of new products in the market. Thus, the study contributes to both theory and practice.


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