  • 學位論文


The Effects of Romantic Relationship on Floral Gift Purchasing Behavior on Valentine's Day

指導教授 : 黃麗君


花卉是台灣較具競爭力、高附加價值的農產品,近年台灣花卉產業變化,由過去內需市場擴張期,到目前專注於發展外銷市場階段,雖然台灣花卉產業重心轉移至拓展國際市場,但不容忽視國內花卉市場的經營。各式恭賀祝福、表達情意的場合與時機,花卉一直以來在台灣民眾日常生活中,作為不可或缺的人際間互動媒介。而花卉禮品在情人節是主要的禮物選項,因此,從各式花卉贈禮時機,選取情人節情境,探究情侶之間愛情關係對花卉禮品購買的影響因素。 本研究參考Sherry(1983)的贈禮行為互動模式與Larsen & Watson(2001)的禮物價值概念圖,將花卉與贈禮行為相關理論與概念相結合,旨在探討愛情關係狀態是否影響其對花卉禮品的選擇,以及贈禮者選擇花卉禮品是否影響贈禮效果,以探討情人節花卉禮品的購買行為。本研究調查共計384份樣本,使用多項式邏輯斯迴歸分析、多變量變異數分析(MANOVA)進行研究假設驗證與結果分析。研究結果顯示,愛情關係處於人格親密需求的滿足階段、親密性要素中激情程度愈高時,比較可能選購花卉類禮品;當關係滿意度愈低時,比較可能選購花卉禮品;相較於贈送非花卉類禮品者,贈送花卉禮品的贈禮者感知的品質提升程度和滿意度提升程度等贈禮效果較佳。


Flower is a kind of much more competitive and high value-added agriculture products in Taiwan's agriculture industry. The change of flower industry in Taiwan recent year has been from the phase of domestic market expansion to the present stage of focusing on the development of export market. Although the focus of flower industry in Taiwan shifted to expand international market, the domestic flower market cannot be ignored. All kinds of occasions of blessings and affection-expressions, flowers have been always a medium of interpersonal interaction in Taiwan residents’ daily lives. Due to the floral gift is a major gift option on Valentine’s Day, choose the occasion of Valentine’s Day from all kinds of flower-giving occasions to probe the effects of romantic relationship on floral gift purchasing behavior. This study referred to Sherry’s (1983) model of the process of gift-giving behavior and Larsen & Watson’s (2001) conceptual diagram of gift value; and furthermore, combined flowers with the theory of gift-giving behavior to explore the effect of the state of romantic relationship on floral gift and whether the selection of floral gifts from gift-donors affects gift-giving effects. This study surveyed 384 samples and utilized multinomial logistic regression and MANOVA to analyze the study results and examined the research hypotheses. The study results show that consumers are more likely to choose flowers as Valentine's Day gifts as their romantic relationships are at the “personality need fulfillment” stage. Meanwhile, as the romantic relationship is at “passion” level, instead of intimacy or commitment levels, consumers are also more likely to choose flowers as Valentine’s Day gifts. Gift-donors who are at lower level of satisfaction with his/her gift-recipients are more likely to choose flowers as the Valentine’s Day gifts. On the degree to quality improvement and the degree to satisfaction improvement, gift-donors giving floral gifts are both better than those giving non-floral gifts.


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2. 台灣花卉園藝編輯部(2009)。台灣花卉產業發展歷程及未來展望。台灣花卉園藝,265,46-49。
3. 行政院主計處(2011)。人口靜態統計:人口數及人口增加率。2011/07/13搜尋,http://www1.stat.gov.tw/ct.asp?xItem=15408&CtNode=4692&mp=3。
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