  • 學位論文


From Historical Institutionalism to the analysis of the evolution of APEC's green issues

指導教授 : 黃偉峰
共同指導教授 : 邱榮舉(Rong-Jeo Chiu)


因應全球經濟區域整合的趨勢,及為區內各國相互貿易的頻繁尋求合理解決貿易爭端的管道,於是成立APEC來協商與對話。APEC成立之初是一個較鬆散的區域經濟論壇,日常運作係以「共識決」(consensus)及「自願性」(voluntary)為基礎。由於缺乏明確的規範和制度,決議不具約束力,因此APEC常被視為論壇而無實際拘束力,且被質疑會邁入空洞化。近年來隨著APEC議題的變遷,功能演進與分化,組織不斷調整來適應新的功能。 本文介紹APEC組織特性及決策模式和歷年議題的演變過程,再以歷史制度主義來分析APEC綠色議題的演變,先假設綠色議題非憑空出現,而是透過兩次關鍵點的產生而使路徑產生修正才形成綠色議題。透過歷年議題分析,我們不難發現能源議題始於討論如何對環境減少衝擊而產生的綠色能源,加上氣候變遷影響而逐步形成綠色議題逐漸演變而來。 綠色能源與環境議題從一九九五年開始就已經伴隨著經濟暨技術合作項目的開展而逐年增加,在二00七年綠色議題納入領袖會議討論。 從APEC三大支柱之一的經濟暨技術合作(ECOTECH)為出發點,在T0的時間點,經濟暨技術合作在於降低會員國之間的差異,平衡經濟與永續發展為目的,演化至T1時間點和能源議題相連結,議題隨著時間T2、T3的演變開始改變其內容,最後形成綠色議題。從長遠的眼光來看,制度變遷會循著穩定和週期的方式進行,不會完全揚棄原制度的設計而另闢蹊徑,因此只是對原制度做出適當的修正。


Abstract APEC was established for negotiation and conversation in response to the trend of global integration of economic regions and to the need of a channel to reasonably settle trading disputes resulting from frequent trading among countries in the region. APEC began as a relatively loose regional economic forum, whose daily operation was based on “consensus” decisions and “voluntary” ones. Due to the absence of clear norms and institutions, the resolutions lack constraint forces. Therefore, APEC is often perceived as a forum without practical constraint forces, suspected that it will fall into hollowing-out. In recent years, with the change of APEC issues, the evolution and differentiation of APEC’s functions, the organization constantly adjust itself to accommodate new functions. This paper will first introduce the organization characteristics of APEC, its decision-making model, and the evolving process of the issues over the years. Then the paper will analyze the evolution of the green issue of APEC with historical institutionalism, supposing that the green issue does not appear out of thin air but is formed through the generation of two key points which correct the path. Through the analysis of the issues over the years, we will discover without much difficulty the origin of energy issues: it gradually evolved from the green energy stemming from the discussion of how to reduce the impact on the environment and the green issue gradually formed under the influence of climate change. Since 1995, green energy and environmental issues have increased over the years with the development of ECOTECH projects. In 2007, the green issue is included in the discussion of Leaders’ Meeting. We start from ECOTECH, one of the three pillars of APEC: in the time of T0, ECOTECH aims at the reduction of member countries’ differences, economy balance, and sustainable development. Evolving to the time of T1, the issue is combined with energy issues, changes its contents with the temporal evolution to T2 and T3, and eventually becomes the green issue. From a long-term perspective, the institution will change in a stable, cyclical way, instead of abandoning completely the design of original institution and creating a new way; therefore, it is but a moderate amendment of the original institution.




