  • 學位論文

以核心能耐為基礎之相關性多角化策略- 以華碩電腦公司為例

The Study of the Related Diversification Strategy from Competence-based View- A Case of ASUS Computer Company

指導教授 : 湯明哲


論文摘要 追求成長一直是企業的重要目標,而多角化則是企業成長的重要途徑。華碩電腦公司自1990年成立迄今,在公司資本額、營收及稅後淨利皆有驚人的成長,而公司產品線更自原來的主機板之外,多角化擴散至十餘項產品。其以既有能耐的延伸及新能耐的建構進行相關性多角化,以回應外在環境變化的成長模式,實為一值得研究之個案,可以做為其它公司選擇多角化模式之參考。 本研究之內容係包含核心能耐、相關性多角化等相關文獻之回顧,及華碩公司多角化歷程個案撰寫,多角化策略及未來發展方向分析,最後做出結論與建議。 本研究認為華碩電腦公司由於其成立時之環境背景而選擇投入clone市場,以其優異的技術及品質能力獲得顧客的肯定,而建立了高度的品牌知名度。之後由於遭逢英特爾介入主機板及低價電腦的衝擊等事件,再加上產業日趨成熟及替代品的興起,使得華碩產生強烈的多角化動機,並開始承接代工業務而發展品牌與代工並行的模式。 華碩的產品多角化發展為其能耐發展之具體展現,是為了配合英特爾、微軟等策略夥伴的需要及因應其掌握未來3C整合趨勢之策略意圖(strategic intent)下,而進行既有能耐的延伸及新能耐的建構之成果。 華碩公司藉由多角化地發展新產品, 達到分散風險及營收成長的成果。


Abstract Pursing growth has always been an important task for corporations, and diversification is an important method of corporation growth. Since operating from 1990, ASUS Computer Company has grown very fast in capital, sales revenues and after tax net profits. At the beginning, the company only produced the motherboards, and then its product line diversified from the motherboards to more than ten products. The company reacted to the change of the environment by competence leverage and new competences building. Its related diversification growth mode is worthy of research and can be a reference to other corporations. The content of the thesis includes the review of “core competence”, “related diversification” papers, the case writing of the company’s diversification path, the analysis of the company’s diversification strategy, future developing direction, the conclusions and suggestions. Under the circumstances of ASUS’s founding, the company decided to develop its motherboard business in the clone market. With its excellent technology ability and quality control, its motherboard product was admired by customers and built high brand awareness. After the success, ASUS was eager for diversification because Intel started to develop its own motherboard business, computer companies sold more and more low price computers, the motherboard industry was mature and the substitute products were developing. The company started to develop motherboard ODM business besides its original motherboard brand business. To cooperate with its strategic partners (e.g. Intel, Microsoft) and exploit the convergence of computing, communication and consumer electronic products, ASUS did many competence leverage and building activities and diversified its products. Through product diversification the company reduced its risks and increased its revenues.


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