  • 學位論文


The Best Seller in Your Pocket: The Effects of Mobile Teaser Advertising

指導教授 : 練乃華


近年來手機簡訊廣告快速興起,成為繼報紙、廣播、電視、網路以外的第五媒體,廠商紛紛利用此一管道,進行低成本且快速的行銷溝通,但另一方面,亦有人視之為垃圾郵件,故其實際效果為何,頗奈人尋味。本研究嘗試將手機文字簡訊做為前導廣告的傳播媒介,以消費者的好奇心為研究焦點,共進行六個實驗,探討在消費者的簡訊態度不同的情況下,品牌熟悉度、代言人喜愛度、代言人熟悉度、廣告互動性、誘因、個人化程度等可能的好奇線索,如何影響消費者的好奇反應,並進而影響消費者與廠商的互動意願和簡訊保留意願。 本研究以品牌熟悉度為最主要的核心變數,貫穿通篇研究。研究可分成三大部份,每一部分都進行兩項實驗。第一部份主要探討在消費者具有不同簡訊態度的情況下,廣告代言人的喜愛度 (實驗一)、熟悉度 (實驗二) 和品牌熟悉度間的互動關係,如何影響消費者的產品好奇和後續行為意願;第二部份則回歸好奇理論的基本面,針對品牌熟悉度和代言人熟悉度,欲證實消費者的好奇反應確實是由資訊缺口的大小所造成,並欲擴大對簡訊前導廣告效果及可能使用情境的瞭解,將其可能效果延伸至廣告說服 (實驗三),並將研究情境設定為兩波連續的前導廣告 (實驗四);第三部份主要是從簡訊廣告的特性出發,探討簡訊內容的互動性、誘因有無 (實驗五)、個人化程度 (實驗六) 和品牌熟悉度之間的互動關係。 實驗結果共有以下重要發現: (1) 品牌熟悉度、代言人喜愛度/熟悉度、互動性可正向影響消費者「已知道」資訊量,進而減少資訊缺口;(2) 誘因、個人化程度可正向影響消費者「想知道」資訊量,惟只有個人化程度可明顯擴大資訊缺口;(3) 消費者的好奇反應係由資訊缺口所產生,若資訊缺口介於低度至高度之間,則其與好奇呈現倒U字型關係:中度的資訊缺口,相對於高度、低度的資訊缺口,可產生較為強烈的好奇。此外,高度和高高度的資訊缺口,所產生的好奇反應相近;(4) 好奇反應產生後,會提升消費者與廠商的互動意願及簡訊保留意願,正面的廣告效果亦會隨之而來;(5) 消費者的簡訊態度和品牌熟悉度是簡訊前導廣告能否發揮作用的重要干擾變數,當消費者具有較佳的簡訊態度時,好奇線索才可發揮作用,影響資訊缺口與好奇反應。此外,品牌熟悉度也可扮演重要干擾角色,若廣告中出現高熟悉品牌,則可吸引消費者的注意力,使其願意處理該則廣告;(6) 在簡訊媒介上若無法設計出刺激強度更大的第二波廣告,則不適合使用兩波前導廣告,因為那會使消費者的廣告態度、產品態度變差,並使原先具有正向好奇效果、廣告效果的變數失去效果,或甚至變成負向影響;(7) 大學生族群普遍不喜歡簡訊廣告,故對其而言,廣告內容之設計更顯重要。 整體而言,本研究結合了簡訊廣告和前導廣告兩塊研究領域,提出「簡訊前導廣告」此一新式廣告手法,並以好奇理論為研究基礎,整合過去受許多學者重視的互動性、個人化概念,故本研究的結果對上述領域皆有理論上的貢獻。而在實務上,本研究的結果可供擬使用手機簡訊進行廣告宣傳的廠商參考;至於對前導廣告的設計、排程,本研究的結果亦頗具實用價值。


Because of the prevalence and popularity of mobile advertising in recent years, it has become the fifth media following newspapers, radio, TV, and the Internet. It provides companies and ad agencies with a new channel for low-cost and quick marketing communication. However, as many consumers consider mobile advertisements as junk mail, mobile advertising has mixed results. This study delivers a teaser ad via mobile Short Message Service (SMS), also referred to as text messaging, to test whether mobile advertising is an effective channel for teaser advertising. The authors focus on the construct of consumer curiosity and conduct six experiments to investigate the effects of possible curiosity clues, including brand familiarity, spokesperson likeability, spokesperson familiarity, ad interactivity, incentives, and the degree of personalization, on the curious responses of consumers with different SMS attitudes and their subsequent intentions to interact with the firm as well as to save the SMS ad. The authors treat brand familiarity as the core variable throughout this paper. The research can be divided into three major parts, and each part consists of two experiments. The first part discusses how spokesman likeability (Experiment 1) or familiarity (Experiment 2) interacts with brand familiarity in affecting consumer curiosity and subsequent behavioral intentions. The second part returns to the fundamentals of the curiousity theory; it focuses on brand familiarity and spokesperson familiarity, in an attempt to confirm that consumers’ curious responses are truly evoked by the size of the information gap. The second part also focuses on furthering the understanding of the effects of mobile teaser advertising and its possible functional situations. That is, its effects are extended to advertising persuasion (Experiment 3) and two continuous waves of teaser ads as the research situation (Experiment 4). The third part combines the characteristics of mobile advertising and discusses the interactive relationship among ad interactivity, incentives (Experiment 5), the degree of personalization (Experiment 6), and brand familiarity. The experimental results reveal the following. (1) Brand familiarity, spokesperson likeability/familiarity, and ad interactivity positively affect “what people already know,” thus reducing the information gap. (2) Incentives and the degree of personalization in ads have a positive impact on “what people want to know”; however, only the latter clearly expands the information gap. (3) Consumers’ curious responses are generated by the information gap. A medium-sized information gap could lead to greater curiosity than a big-sized or a small-sized gap. Moreover, big-sized and bigger-sized information gaps generate similar curious responses. (4) Curious responses will improve consumers’ intentions to interact with the firm and save the SMS ad. Besides, positive advertising effects occur following the generation of curiosity. (5) Consumers’ SMS attitudes and brand familiarity are important moderators that determine whether mobile teaser ads will produce the intended effects. The curious clues work, that is, they affect the curious responses and the size of the information gap, only when consumers have favorable SMS attitudes. Moreover, a mobile teaser ad for a high-familiarity brand could also attract consumers’ attention and motivate them to process the advertisement. (6) Using two continuous waves of teaser ads through the SMS medium will negatively affect consumers’ ad and product attitudes. Instead, companies could use one wave of mobile teaser ads and simultaneously disclose the brand and spokesperson factors. (7) Generally speaking, undergraduate students do not like to receive mobile advertising, which manifests the importance of ad content design. On the basis of the curiosity theory, this paper combines the research domains of mobile advertising and teaser advertising, proposes a new advertising channel (i.e., mobile teaser advertising), and integrates the concepts of interactivity and personalization, which have been emphasized by many scholars. Therefore, the findings of the current paper contribute to the research domains mentioned above. In addition, the paper provides important pragmatic suggestions for companies that want to use SMS ads in their marketing communication efforts.


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