  • 學位論文


The Status of Imperial Princes in the Ritual Order in Western Jin Dynasty

指導教授 : 甘懷真


中國禮制秩序除了作為反映政治權力的工具,同時也是一獨立於政治權力的場域。西晉宗室諸王處於政治地位上升的時期,而西晉又處於禮制的變革階段,於是宗室的禮制地位是否受政治地位的上升而產生連動的變化便成為值得探究的議題。   在與漢代相比的變化中,諸王在不同的禮制儀式中的地位變遷顯得十分不一致,例如元會儀式中,西晉諸王明顯較漢代活躍,薨後的發喪也顯示出優越於異姓大臣的傾向,但在喪服制度中諸王的特權卻遭到否定;至於在車輿和冕服制度中,西晉諸王加強了高於異姓大臣的傾向,但也同時遭到皇帝的壓制;而在封國禮制部分,漢代和西晉則呈現截然不同、涇渭分明的差異,封國官員與諸王隨著時代變化而建立起強烈的君臣關係。   這種零碎不一致的局面,反映了諸王在儒家禮制中的地位是作為意識形態的零件而上升,而並非是因為自己的政治權力上升而產生連動影響。西晉宗室諸王禮制地位的變化,與其說與宗室政治有關,倒不如說是時代與儒家禮學的交互作用。


西晉 宗室 諸王 禮制


Chinese ritual system order, in addition to a tool to reflect the political power, is an independent field of political power. The political status of the imperial princes of Western Jin Dynasty had risen, and Western Jin Dynasty was also in a revolution of the ritual system, so whether the ritual status of princes is affected by their rise in political status will be worth to research. Compared with Han Dynasty, the changes of status of the imperial princes in the ritual ceremony seem very inconsistent. For example, in the New Year Ceremony, the Western Jin imperial princes were more active than Han Dynasty, and funerals of princes also showed their superior than common courtiers, but the privileges of imperial princes in the mourning dress system were denied; and in the carriages and Mianfu(冕服) systems, Western Jin imperial princes strengthened their superior than common courtiers, but it was suppressed by the emperor; and in the ritual system of principalities, a great difference appears between Han and Western Jin so that a strong ruling relationship between princes and courtiers in principalities was established. This fragmented and inconsistent condition, reflects that the rising of the status of imperial princes in the Confucian ritual system was a rising ideological component, not because of their own political power. The change of ritual status of Western Jin imperial princes, was influenced by the interaction between the times and the ritual studies by Confucians rather than the politics of the imperial clan.


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(一) 史料
