  • 學位論文


Correlation between Undrained Young’s Modulus of Clay and Other Parameters

指導教授 : 卿建業


在任何大地工程上,土壤的問題,如土壤的種類、土顆粒的大小、土壤的相對密度及土壤強度等,土壤對大地工程來說是相當重要的。而本研究想討論的問題,是土壤基本性質的不排水楊氏模數(E_u)與不排水剪力強度(S_u)的比跟塑性指數(PI)及壓密比(OCR)彼此間的關係探討。 依據前人研究結果,顯示正規化的變形模數(E_u/S_u)與壓密比(OCR)跟塑性指數(PI)三者之間會有關聯性。因此為了研究黏性土壤此關係,本研究利用DigXY數位化軟體去收集各國家不同實驗室試驗及現地之應力應變曲線資料,藉此探討不同實驗室試驗與現地之E_u/S_u與OCR跟PI之間關係,並觀察三者之間關係是否會受試體為管狀或是塊狀影響,且當試體的OCR為人造還是現地時是否會影響其關係,或著是觀察試體是否會因為是重模試體還是自然試體而受影響,最後透過單因子變異數分析(One factor ANOVA)和貝葉斯信息法則(BIC)的統計方法建立出三者間之關係式。


In any geotechnical engineering,the soil problem,such as the type, the soil-particle size, the relative density and strength of it. Soil is a crucial point of geotechnical engineering. This study is aiming to discuss relationship between undrained modulus and undrained shear strength with OCR and PI on the fundamental properties of soil. Normalized modulus of deformation with OCR and PI exist relevance in accordance with previous research. To have a further research of clay soil,this study use Digital software(DigXY) to collect difference laboratory and in-situ test stress-strain curve in various countries. The difference laboratory and in-situ test through stress-strain curve to discuss relationship between E_u/S_u with and PI. To observe relationship between E_u/S_u with and PI whether influenced tube sample or block sample and field/artificial OCR and remolded sample or field sample. Finally,to through One factor ANOVA and Bayesian information criterion(BIC) statistical method to establish the relationship between the three.


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