  • 學位論文


Characteristics of landslide induced by Typhoon Morakot in central Taiwan via Aerial Photo analysis

指導教授 : 胡植慶


嘉義縣梅山鄉油車寮地區年雨量達 3684 公釐,實為一個雨量豐沛的地區。2009 年8 月莫拉克颱風襲台,雨量資料顯示,在2009 年8 月5 日至8 月10 日期間距離油車寮地區約10 公里之阿里山雨量測站累積雨量最高達3059 公釐,其豐沛雨量帶來許多坡地災害,而嘉義縣梅山鄉油車寮地區在莫拉克風災期間亦發生多處崩塌的地質災害,災後各類資料研判此地區仍有多處潛在大規模岩體滑動區,具引致坡地災害的可能性,為瞭解油車寮岩體滑動之特徵,本研究使用PIV軟體進行像元技術分析,將莫拉克風災前兩期後一期油車寮地區之正射影像(2001/01/17、2007/01/29、2009/08/24)進行分析。因而其油車寮地區岩體滑動之位移方向、位移量及滑動範圍能夠被揭示。 由分析計算所得到的油車寮區滑動岩體之滑動特性,結果顯示在莫拉克風災 前期(2001/01/17 、2007/01/29) 並無明顯滑動徵兆, 於莫拉克風災後影像(2007/01/29、2009/08/24)分析結果顯示其岩體滑動區之滑動面積約為26.1 公頃,而岩體之位移量並非均質滑動,滑動體可概略分為趾部與冠部兩區。岩體滑動之冠部位移量為70 公尺朝南滑動;岩體滑動趾部之位移量約為40 公尺朝南滑動。本研究亦使用無人飛行載具前往研究區域獲取梅雨前後兩期(2017/05/14、2017/06/10)之地面影像資料,將其製作成正射影像以及數值地表模型進行分析,影像大小為5100 × 6390 pixels,影像解析度為10 cm/pixel,其PIV 軟體分析結果顯示研究區域仍有滑動趨勢。


In 2009, Typhoon Morakot brought heavy rainfall and triggered at least 304 landslides in Yuchenliao in the Meishan Township, central Taiwan. Typhoon Morakot produced copious amounts of rainfall peaking at least 3,059 mm, which far surpasses the previous record of 1,736 mm set by Typhoon Herb in 1996. Throughout the disaster, various data indicate a great potential of multiple magnitude landslides in the study area. We analyzed three orthorectified aerial photographs of the Yuchenliao area, which were taken in Jan. 2001, Jan. 2007 and Aug. 2009 by using the Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) technique. The sub-pixel correlation of the PIV analysis in the Yuchenliao area covers a dimension of 2801 × 3001 pixels. Our results of the PIV analysis reveal that the maximum horizontal displacement of the landslide in the study area is up to 70 m towards south, and the dimension of the Yuchenliao landslide area is measured to be about 0.26 km2. In spite of the shallow landslide, the results of PIV show a bigger landslide area than the previous research estimated by the movement of characteristic geomorphological features from orthorectified aerial photographs before and after Typhoon Morakot. In addition, the PIV technique provides the displacement field of slow landslide area which can be used to invert the slip distribution of sliding area then to assess the potential landslide hazard of this slow sliding event. Moreover, a unmanned aerial vehicle was used to obtain topography information at different time times (2017/05/14 and 2017/06/10). By using the aerial photos to generate orthoimages for the PIV analysis, the rain effect on the previous sliding area can be revealed. The result shows that the research area still has sliding potential.


Morakot landslide PIV UAV Yucheliao


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