  • 學位論文


A Case study of the Business Strategy on Power Supplies Industry

指導教授 : 江炯聰 博士


長期以來,我國電源供應器產業在全球大環境高度競爭的衝擊下,國內廠商不斷地在行銷、研發及製造、管理等方面從事體質的改善,以建立對產品、技術及市場的調適能力;同時各家廠商透過高效率、有系統的全球專業分工,以量產經濟規模、技術升級來降低生產成本及提高生產力。同時在產官學的合作下,電力電子技術已發展成為一門完整的、自成體系的高科技技術,電源技術屬於電力電子技術的範疇。電源技術主要是為3C資訊產業服務的,資訊技術的發展又對電源技術提出了更高的要求,從而促進了電源技術的發展,兩者相輔相成才有了現今蓬勃發展的資訊產業和電源產業。 電源供應器產品的市場區隔相當明顯,某些廠商專作某些領域,彼此井水不 犯河水,電源供應器的需求特性是「根據客戶需求規格而定,非標準化的產品」,這種特製電源在Server ,Telecom領域更為明顯。國內自有品牌主要銷售到零售市場,售價通常會比ODM還低。雖然,電源供應器市場區隔相當明顯,各廠商專作自己客戶的產品,彼此井水不犯河水,但是有時淡季時各廠家為了填充產能,這樣的市場區隔就被打破了。同時﹐淡季時由於產量過剩,大量的電源供應器銷售到零售市場,市場競爭更激烈。 國內的電源供應器由於產業競爭愈趨激烈,並受限於毛利不斷的壓縮,因此各家電源供應器廠商的優劣勝敗,往往都需要取決於產品能否朝 利基型產品發展。目前由於資訊產業已進入成熟產業,在產業成長力道呈現趨緩的現象下,對於產業趨於成熟的電源供應器廠商而言,將面臨更大的競爭壓力。 個案公司的經營模式主要是以ODM 為主軸,而提案子主要是資訊大公司,因此傾向門當戶對,使相互之間的合作及售後支援能夠紮實,所以會對供應商會要求許多必備條件。但基本上是有形無形資產及組織和專業技術及管理能力。由系統公司對ODM供應商的認可程序,亦顯示同樣的要具備這核心資源。 未來如何在這競技場生存發展,首先必須善用資源,強調組織學習、核心能力與永續競爭力,產品市場定位及產品規劃重新檢討,BPR 是長遠的話題,什麼是最好的組織,而對這成熟的紅海產業,經營者必須思考未來的策略?如何永續經營?將是永遠的話題。


電源供應器 ODM BPR 核心能力 經營模式 競技場


This study is to discuss the business strategy on the power supplies industry in overall world wide market,As the key ODM supplier of the company,we need know what is the key factor to run the business。 The business is so tough after year 2000,because of internet Auction,the cost of the material is increase every year,and lot of environment restriction rule announced from European Japan and US. however,the customer is asking price down everyday,even we need take care all these changes. But in this situation is to check the competition ability of the company. The company of the case had suffer the big trouble in last 2 years because of the issue from the products . The crisis is come from lost of core competency. Such as R&D, manufacturing, capability. This is the main purpose to write down this paper to investigate the problem and Find the way to recover whole situation., For better understanding, we start from bench marking two companies and work for the best approach. Such as Delta electronics, she has good core competency from all sites, especially, R&D and corporate strategy and key concept from Chairman. Inside the paper, the strategy team was formed and condense work on what’s the corporate need to do, Strategy, procedure, R&D, sales and manufacturing, set up all the guide line, put the goal, and key is the process to run the business. From last year to now, we see the improvement from all sides, Re-build confidence from the customers, more capability from R&D, better product quality from manufacture, the final result is company earn the money in 2007, not much, but enough to demonstrate the improvement. Now corporate is working on to put the company to public, the goal is see annual revenue up to US$1 billion on year 2010, to be the healthy company, so everyone enjoy this success.


ODM core competency R&D bench marking Strategy


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