  • 學位論文


A Research of the Tourists’ Travel Mode Choices in Jibben Scenic Area

指導教授 : 張長義


影響地區觀光事業發展的因素眾多,除了當地自然與人文景觀資源的特色、公共及遊憩設施的量與質是否能滿足遊客需求、旅遊市場的競爭、旅遊資訊流通的自由化、透明化與即時化程度...外,運輸也扮演了關鍵性的角色。遊客的運具選擇行為,不僅反映出他們對各種運輸服務、工具的需求與評價,更會進一步影響觀光事業的發展。 依據交通部觀光局(1999;2001;2002)的調查結果,知本溫泉風景特定區名列全年前十大到訪據點,是東部地區少數享有國際高知名度的熱門景點。然而,目前仍隸屬縣級風景區,欠缺完善規劃,未來知本風景區若欲突破瓶頸、持續發展,交通運輸將是值得深入探討的課題。 本研究以行為地理學的研究取徑為主,結合其他相關領域對決策行為、運具選擇行為的理論探討與實證結果,分析知本溫泉風景特定區的遊客運具選擇行為,並於2003年11月及2004年2月進行兩次現地抽樣調查,共得有效問卷348份。研究設計採用結構式問卷,內容共分成個人基本資料、旅次特色、識覺量表與偏好測度四部分,均為單選題與評分題。研究發現: 一、遊客的社經背景(職業、教育程度、婚姻狀況、居住地區、汽機車駕照持有、是否擁有私人汽機車是重要變數)、旅次特色(是否曾經來過知本、同行人數、遊伴組成性質、是否有七歲以下兒童隨行、平時最常使用的運具)、識覺(對知本區位特性的認知、下次再來的運具選擇意願)影響運具選擇。 二、不同遊客間的識覺以及對運具屬性的重視程度均存在差異。 三、私人汽車雖是最受喜愛的運具,但大眾運具仍有潛在推廣空間-未來可朝縮短旅時、提供充分資訊、加強接駁效率、優惠方案、大眾運具觀光化、建立周遊型旅遊形式等方向發展。


There are various elements relevant to the development of regional tourism industry - such as the distinguishing feature of natural and humane resources in locality, if the quantity and quality of public and tourist accommodations could find tourists’ satisfaction, the competition of tourism market, the circulating level of tourist information in liberalization, disclosure, and instantaneity; and et cetera. In addition to the above-mentioned, transportation takes its part as a critical role. The travel mode choices of tourists, not only reflect how they require and evaluate for all kinds of transport, also affect the development of tourism in one step ahead. In accordance with the surveys conducted by Tourism Bureau of The Ministry of Communications (1999,2001,2002), Jibben Scenic Area comes out to be one of the top ten tourist attractions in Taiwan yearly, in the meanwhile, as a tourist spot in Eastern Taiwan, it also enjoys an enormous reputation worldwide, which other spots in Taiwan are scarcely comparable . However, Jibben Scenic Area retains to be under the jurisdiction of county government and is short on fine planning. If Jibben Scenic Area is about to make a breakthrough on the choke point, and to continue the development, “Transportation” will absolutely be a subject that worth us investigating in the future. This research is focused on the approach of behavioral geography, combined with the decision behaviors, the theory and the experimental results of travel mode choice in related territories, to analyze the tourists’ travel mode choice in the Jibben Scenic Area. The sampling interview was conducted twice in Nov. 2003 and Feb. 2004, and was resulted in 348 effective surveys. The design of research adopts structural questionnaire, it contains four sections - basic data of individual, characteristics of touring activities, quantification form of perception, and the examination of personal favor. Without an exception, the answers of question within survey are unitary or in score. In the light of research, it shows several outcomes: I. The social and economical attributes of tourists(The important variables can be as follows: occupation, level of education, state of marriage, residence, possession of the driving license for automobile or motorbike, possession of private automobile or motorbike), characteristics of touring activities(the frequency of visiting Jibben, the number of companions, the attribute of companions, whether the children under 7 years old accompany or not, the travel mode used most frequently in peacetime), and the perception of tourists(the perception of characteristics in the Jibben Zone, the inclination of travel mode choices while next arrival) are the elements that effect upon the travel mode choices . II. Different tourists have different perceptions, and show their diversities of placing the importance on travel mode attributes. III. Even though the private automobile is the most popular transportation, there is still plenty of space to popularize the public transit system. In the future, the development could be designed toward increasing the tourists’ incentives to take public transportations, such as shorten the travel hours, reinforce the connection efficiency, promotional packages, establishing the rounding travel styles and public transportation with sightseeing purposes.




