  • 學位論文


Journey Metaphor in Taiwan Mandarin Pop Songs by Indigenous Singers

指導教授 : 江文瑜


本論文旨在探討旅程隱喻於台灣原住民歌手所演唱之中文歌曲當中的呈現,並從認知與文化角度切入,試圖闡述並解釋社會文化與認知機制之互動關係,進而彰顯其背後所隱含之社會文化意涵。 概念隱喻已被視為人類思考及認知的重要機制,而文化對於概念隱喻使用之影響也引起廣泛討論。然而,隨著近來人們對原住民社會議題的日益關注,以及原住民歌手在流行音樂市場的卓越表現,卻鮮少有研究者著墨於概念隱喻在流行文化與原住民社會議題互動之下所呈現出的文化差異。有鑑於此,本篇論文將以台灣原住民所演唱之中文流行歌曲為分析基礎,探討原住民與漢人作詞人所創作之歌詞當中之旅程隱喻異同點,並將其隱喻之呈現與社會文化背景作連結。 研究結果發現,在隱喻之使用上,原民創作與漢人創作之中文流行歌詞,在類層級隱喻之呈現較為一致,皆呈現「事件結構隱喻」及「具目的性之活動是旅程」等隱喻。然而,在明確層隱喻之呈現上,則因個人經驗、社會背景、及文化沿革之影響,而有明顯差異;原民創作歌詞著重於「實現夢想、建構認同、文化重建是旅程」之隱喻使用,而漢人創作歌詞當中則以「愛情是旅程」最為普遍。另外,當鎖定在相同的目標域──「追逐夢想」時,「旅程」此來源域所含括之基礎概念在兩個不同族群創作之歌詞中呈現出對比的特色差異,例如原住民創作者傾向於將追逐夢想的旅程呈現為方向模糊、距離遙遠、行動緩滯,相較於漢人創作歌手所描述之方向明確、距離短、動作迅速,輔以其他基本概念之呈現,皆反映出社會文化因素對概念隱喻使用之影響, 本研究指出,藉由歌詞,身為少數及相較弱勢之原住民族群將其對社會現狀的抗訴與反思傳達予強勢群體,並從中建構自我與族群認同,進而在族群文化互動之中找出定位點。另外,本研究也主張,將族群關係與社會現況納入概念隱喻探討,並拓展語料至歌詞文本,有助於釐清隱喻使用與文化影響力之關係。


The universality of conceptual metaphor has been recognized in cognitive linguistics. However, though the importance of metaphor variation among different cultures has also been pointed out (Kövecses 2005), little research focuses on the cultural and social influences that create variations in metaphors between different social groups when using the same language. In order to bridge the gap between linguistic studies and indigenous social realities, this study examines the characteristics of JOURNEY metaphor in the lyrics written by Taiwan indigenous and Han lyricists as well as their relationship to their respective cultural and historical backgrounds. The lyrics corpus consists of 154 songs originally written by indigenous singers, and 188 by Han lyricists. The results show that despite the universality of Event Structure Metaphor at the generic level, the specific-level metaphorical representations of “PURPOSEFUL ACTIVITIES ARE JOURNEYS” in the two groups exhibit differences as a result of differential cultural and social experiences. More specifically, the dominant target domains conceptualized by JOURNEY in the lyrics written by indigenous lyricists are “DREAM PURSUIT, IDENTITY CONSTRUCTION, and CULTURE PRESERVATION,” whereas in the lyrics written by Han lyricists the source domain of JOURNEY is prevalently utilized to conceptualize LOVE. Furthermore, with regard to the same target domain “DREAM PURSUIT,” it is found that the characteristics of the basic aspects under the source domain of JOURNEY utilized by lyricists of different ethnicities exhibit a contrastive distinction which highlights the current social situation of the indigenous people in Taiwan. Furthermore, basic aspects including SCENERY and LUGGAGE are suggested to be potential additional elements under the source domain of JOURNEY. All in all, this study analyzes the social significance of lyrics for marginalized groups, demonstrates the relationship between culture and the use of conceptual metaphors, contributes to the discussion of Conceptual Metaphor Theory, and also calls attention to the issues of identity construction and social inequality faced by indigenous people in Taiwan.


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