  • 學位論文


Effects of Individualized Nutritional Strategies in Postoperative Elderly Patients Undergoing Gastrointestinal Surgery

指導教授 : 陳佳慧
共同指導教授 : 尹祚芊 田郁文(Yu-Wen Tien)


營養不良是腸胃道術後老人常見的現象,其不僅會影響生理,對於心理、社會、經濟各層面亦有所影響,嚴重者甚至會死亡。經由臨床實證研究得知,口腔健康功能喪失、營養照護知識缺乏及臥床,是引發腸胃道術後老人營養不良、功能下降之重要危險因子,因此本研究目的主要在探討經腸胃道手術老人接受個別化營養策略後之營養及功能狀態改善成效。研究設計採前、後測之臨床控制試驗(Controlled Clinical Trial, CCT),於北部某醫學中心,選取65歲以上老人,經醫師診斷需接受腸胃道手術者,控制組自96年8月至97年4月止;實驗組自97年5月至97年12月止,各82名個案。控制組接受醫院常規照護,實驗組於術後第一天接受個別化營養策略介入措施,包括口腔護理及訓練、飲食護理指導及早期活動直到出院。兩組分別於術前、出院前、術後一個月及出院後三個月,測量營養狀況﹙迷你營養評估量表、體重變化、身體質量指數﹚,及功能狀態﹙巴氏量表、握力﹚。研究結果以獨立樣本t檢定、卡方檢定、費雪精確度檢定,呈現兩組之間是否有差異,並以p<0.05定為統計上顯著差異水準。結果顯示(1)營養狀態方面,出院前,控制組迷你營養評估總分顯著低於實驗組(p<0.001),身體質量指數控制組平均下降顯著多於實驗組(p=0.001),且控制組體重減輕百分比顯著多於實驗組(p=0.001)。(2)功能狀態方面,出院前,控制組平均巴氏總分顯著低於實驗組(p<0.001),且控制組握力顯著低於實驗組(p<0.05)。﹙3﹚縮短住院日數方面,控制組平均總住院天數及術後住院天數顯著多於實驗組﹙p<0.05﹚。整體而言,透過個別化營養策略介入後,顯見護理獨特功能之臨床效益,不僅預防腸胃道術後老人營養不良,亦有效改善術後老人營養狀態、減緩功能下降、縮短患者住院日數,因此值得將此策略提供給臨床護理人員做為未來照護腸胃道術後老人之指引方針。


The prevalence of malnutrition is high among the elderly who underwent gastrointestinal surgery. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of nutritional protocol on nutritional status in postoperative elderly patients underwent an elective gastrointestinal surgery. A pre- and post controlled clinical trial design was employed to enroll subjects aged 65 years and older who scheduled for an elective gastrointestinal surgery at a 2000-bed medical center in Taipei. Subjects enrolled during 8/07 to 4/08 were served as the controls (n=82) and subjects enrolled since 5/08 to 12/08 were served as the experimental group (n=82). For the experimental group, a daily nutritional protocol including oral care, diet education and early mobilization were implemented. Educational pamphlet on overcoming malnutrition was also provided. Subjects in the control group received usual care. Mini-Nutritional Assessment (MNA), body weight, body mass index, Barthel index, and hand grip strength were taken at four points: before surgery, at discharge, 1and 3 months after surgery. Analyses were performed to examine the group differences using SPSS. Preliminary results shown that, at discharge, patients at experimental group had significant better MNA scores (21.3±3.0 vs. 13.1±3.4 points, p < 0.001), less body weight loss percentage (2.8%±3.6% vs. 5.0%±4.2%, p= 0.001), better hand grip strength (23.7±8.0 vs. 20.9±8.2 kg, p < 0.05), better in Barthel Index (86.7±9.3 vs. 64.3±13.6 points, p < 0.001), and shorten length of stay (16.9±10.4 vs. 21.8±18.8 days, p < 0.05) compared to the controls. The findings support effects of this nurse-led nutritional protocol in preventing malnutrition for the elderly who underwent gastrointestinal surgery.


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