  • 學位論文


Pushover Analysis Considering Applied Horizontal Load Distribution Proportional to Displacement in Sequential Steps

指導教授 : 蔡益超


本文主要探討目前的商用軟體在處理側推分析大多以固定比例去將層剪力做豎向力分配。本研究為了使建築物在受地震力作用時樓層降伏所導致的變化更貼近非線性動力分析,故在側推分析時使用上一步之位移為比例去變動其豎向力分布來模擬建築物承受地震力的動態反應,並以matlab撰寫固定豎向力以及修改豎向力分布兩種非線性靜力分析程式,藉由容量震譜法求得其結構物在不同地表加速度下,各層樓韌性使用情形以及破壞時之地表加速度,比較其固定豎向力分布與修改豎向力分布兩種靜力分析之差異,最後利用三組與設計反應譜相符地震歷時進行非線性動力歷時分析驗證其結果。 在實例分析中,建立不同地盤以及樓層數的模型,建築物各樓層使用質點簡化其模型,並使用雙線性非線性模式去連結其質點,建立其stick model之結構模式。且一般設計出的建築物,越上層其餘裕度βy越大;建築物規模越大,其降伏後與降伏前之勁度比值α也越大,故以不同降伏勁度比α與餘裕度βy之組合做參數分析,然後藉由參數分析來評估那一種模型對於改變豎向力分布的影響比較大。 關鍵詞:容量震譜法、豎向力分布、非線性動力、非線性靜力、餘裕度、stick model


Abstract The purpose of this thesis was to study the pushover analysis in software of Sap2000 almost distributed the base shear in fixed proportion. In order to press close to the result of nonelinear dynamic analysis when the floor bearing the earthquake force is yielding,we changed the load distribution proportional to displacement in sequential steps to simulate the dynamic response.So we writen fixed distribution codes and modified distribution codes by using capacity spectrum method to get the ductility of every floor and ground acceleration when whe building is faulire.And we compared the fixed distribution with the modified distribute.At last,we run the dynamic analysis to verify the nonlinear stastic analyses. In the analysis,we created different floor of the building models to change period,and the floor of the building used the single particle to simplify simulation to analysis,then linking the particles by nonelinear and bilinear linking type we called stick models.Building designs in general, its higher floor may be over designed. A building is larger, its stiffness after yield is larger.So we used several parameters to estimate which model is sensitive by modifying the distributed load. Keywords:capacity spectrum method, load distribution,nonlinear dynamic, nonlinear stastic, stick model,over design


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