  • 學位論文


A Study on B&B Owners’ Cognition to Rural Accommodation Industry in Taiwan

指導教授 : 王俊豪


台灣的民宿家數急遽增加,但非法經營的情形嚴重,造成如此現象的原因眾多,本研究以探討民宿業者對鄉村住宿產業發展認知為著手點,及參考國外住宿產業法規及發展情形,企圖對台灣住宿產業未來制法之方向及適切性作出建議。 本研究蒐集國外住宿產業之發展情形與相關管理法規,發現國外住宿業多有藉於旅館與民宿的微型住宿產業,本研究認為此種產業為台灣鄉村住宿業所欠缺的部份。 本研究發放問卷共計500份,回收之有效問卷為219份,統計結果顯示不同的經營模式的民宿,其經營者對現行民宿管理法規與微型住宿法規會有不同的認知。整體來說,影響民宿經營者對現行民宿法規之認知最重要因素分別為正向影響的「長年員工數」及經營時間「8年以上」等變項,及負面影響的「家人為員工人數」及經營者初期投資額「1300萬以上」等變項。在民宿經營者對新住宿法規之認知最重要因素為正向影響的「長年員工數」及「每月支出成本8萬以上」及負面影響的「家人為員工人數」及「占總收入比例21~50%以下」等變項。 民宿經營者之投資額高於800萬的有107人,占整體48.9%,民宿收入占經營者總收入比例高於50%以上的人數共有105人,占整體47.9%,每月支出成本高於3萬元以上的民數家數有126家,占整體57.6%,上述之變項都占整體經營者近一半或一半以上之比例,顯示這些民宿的經營模式,為專業化、營利性質,故會更期望改變舊有法規,創立營利性質之微型住宿產業法規,以供他們的住宿產業合法化及符合他們經營需求。 總結來說,台灣民宿產業多已漸朝專業化、全職經營方向邁進,大多數業者認為現行民宿法規並不適用,且期待微型住宿法規的創立。


The number of B&B is burgeoning in Taiwan, but lots of them remain illegal. Many reasons make it happened. However, this study particularly aims at surveying B&B owners’ cognition to regulations for rural accommodation industry and micro-accommodation industry regulations. In the mean time, this study also consults the regulations and condition of accommodation industry in foreign countries to try to provide recommendation for the direction and applicability of regulations for Taiwan’s accommodation industry. By collecting information about the development condition and regulations for accommodation industry of advanced overseas countries, this study finds out the accommodation industry in those overseas countries always contain micro accommodation industry which is set between B&B and hotel industry. This study claims that micro accommodation industry is what Taiwan demand. This study sent 500 questionaries and received 219 valid responses. The statistics shows that B&B owners with different B&B operation condition have different cognition to present B&B regulations and micro accommodation industry regulations. Overall, the important factors which affect B&B owners’ cognition to present B&B regulations include those have positive influences:「the number of long-term staff」and the operation period「upon eight years」and those have negative influence:「the number of family members as staff」 and the investment「more than 13million」. Moreover, the important factors which affect B&B owners’ cognition to micro accommodation regulations include those have positive influences:「the number of long-term staff」and monthly cost「more than 80 thousand dollars」and those have negative influence:「the number of family members as staff」 and 「the percentage of B&B income is between 21~50% of owner’s total income」。 48.9% of B&B owners, 107 people, invested more than 8 million dollars. 47.9% of B&B owners, 105 people, whose B&B income is between 21~50% of total income. 57.6% of B&B owners, 126 people, whose B&B monthly cost is more 30 thousand. The statistics above shows that near half B&B in Taiwan has turned into specialized and full-time operation. According to the result, this study gets a conclusion that most B&B owners think the existing regulations for B&B is not suitable for use and they are looking forward to the establishment of regulations for minor-accommodation industry.




