  • 學位論文


The Collation and Textual Variantions about Kongzi Jiayu

指導教授 : 閻鴻中


《孔子家語》從南宋王柏(1197-1274年)開始被視為偽書,此後引用或研究者都不多,直至1970年代以後,因出土文獻帶來重新評估的機會。《家語》保存大量孔門故事,其中部分史料有獨特性,近卅年的研究多圍繞在出土文獻,對傳世文獻的關注較少。本文擬將古代跟《家語》關係密切的文獻如《荀子》、《禮記》、《說苑》等書,做一綜合的匯集和比較,進而對《家語》的形成歷程和史料來源作一比較全面的分析。 論文分三部分:研究導言、上篇:《孔子家語》相關文獻彙校、下篇:《孔子家語》故事版本研究。研究導言交代問題意識、研究回顧、研究目標、《孔子家語》三種版本的優缺、編纂方法。上篇分兩部分,一為題旨,交代各章節之大意、相關文獻,以及《家語》拆解、合併他書的狀況;另一為異文比對,以《家語》本文為正文,相關傳世文獻為注文,用以對讀之間差異。下篇對重文複雜的故事進行文獻比對,藉此了解其演變過程,並判斷《家語》某些章節的編輯年代。 本文研究結論是《家語》的故事大多編輯於西漢後期以後,廿二個例證中,其年代上限有一個在戰國後期,三個在西漢早期、中期,十七個在西漢後期,一個在東漢(或更晚)。因此孔門故事雖淵源於戰國時代,為儒家說客留下的說辭,且部分見於西漢初年所流傳的簡牘,但經過長期的編纂,已非原貌。此外,故事版本的流傳途徑多樣,有單一流傳系統、並存兩個流傳系統、並存三個流傳系統;單一流傳系統占多數,且和《說苑》關係密切,其中又以《韓詩外傳》─《說苑》─《家語》最多。


Kongzi Jiayu (孔子家語)was regarded as pseudograph since Wang, Bo (王柏1197-1274A.D.). People who quote or research this book are not many until the discovery about bamboo and silk materials from 1970s to present. Not until the bamboo and silk materials were discovered in the 1970s was Kongzi Jiayu revaluated. Kongzi Jiayu reserved a lot of stories about Confucius and his disciples and some of them were unique. Most studies of this field have been focused on bamboo and silk materials in the recent thirty years, just a few studies concerned about traditional materials. The aim of this essay is to collect and compare bamboo , silk, and traditional materials which are related to Kongzi Jiayu, such as Xunzi(荀子), Liji(禮記), Shuoyuan(說苑). This thesis includes three parts: introduction, chapter one “the collation of Kongzi Jiayu”, and chapter two “textual variantions about Kongzi Jiayu”. Introduction includes problematic, research review, objective, three versions of Kongzi Jiayu, methods of compilation. Chapter one includes two parts. The first part illustrates every chapter of Kongzi Jiayu and related texts. The second part is a composition of textual variantions. Kongzi Jiayu is the main text, and the related materials are annotations. Chapter two compares many stories to discover the development, and recognizes the periods of some chapters. The conclusion of this thesis is that most stories in Kongzi Jiayu were edited in the late Western Han dynasty. In the whole twenty-two stories, one was attributed to the warring state period, three were the early or mid Western Han dynasty, seventeen were the late Western Han dynasty, one was the Eastern Han dynasty. The stories about Confucius and his disciples derived from Confucianists’ words in the warring state period, some of them became bamboo and silk materials in the early Western Han dynasty. Compiling for a long time, these stories were not antetype anymore. Besides, the tracks of the transmission of these stories were different. The tracks include “single way”, “two ways”, and “three ways”. “Single way” appeared most frequently in Kongzi Jiayu , and it has a close relationship to Shuoyuan. Among the “single way”, Han Shi Wai Zhuan(韓詩外傳)- Shuoyuan- Kongzi Jiayu was the main transmission.


29. 屈直敏,〈敦煌寫本《孔子家語》校考〉,《敦煌學》第二十七輯(2008.2),頁63-75。
1. 馬承源主編,《上海博物館藏戰國楚竹書一》,上海:上海古籍,2001。
2. 馬承源主編,《上海博物館藏戰國楚竹書二》,上海:上海古籍,2002。
3. 馬承源主編,《上海博物館藏戰國楚竹書七》,上海:上海古籍,2008。
3. 劉釗,《郭店楚簡校釋》,福州:福建人民,2005。
