  • 學位論文


Mukumugi Growth Diary

指導教授 : 林麗雲 林樂群


銅門國小位於花蓮縣秀林鄉南端,坐落在中央山脈下與木瓜溪上游地區,部落人口約兩千人。銅門地處偏遠,屬經濟文化弱勢地區,家長社經文化背景普遍低落,為提升學生的競爭力,學校希望透過專業的本位學習計畫來落實學生的基本能力,讓孩子的學習能夠脫離文化階層再製的陰影。 本報導以銅門部落為分析案例,藉此瞭解部落教育發展上的脈絡與困境。論文主要分為兩個部分,第一個部分為學術研究,探討台灣原住民教育發展的脈絡與困境。第二部分為深度影像報導,透過長時間的蹲點紀錄,瞭解本位教育的推行對學生與部落間帶來什麼影響,以及紀錄下打鐵與狩獵兩種在原住民部落中,正快速消失的文化。 報導發現,現今原住民族部落中,學校所推行的族群本位教育課程,並非過去表淺的提升孩童的學習自信,而是最根本地,彌補兩代的生活經驗落差,以供給父母與孩子之間能夠對話交流的基礎。而在地處經濟文化相對弱勢的偏鄉學校中,學校所扮演的角色也從原先的教育單位,增加到社福單位的角色,彌補部落家庭結構中單親或隔代教養下所缺乏的陪伴。


Dumung primary school is located in the southern end of Hualien County Xiulin Township, and in the Central Mountain Range and papaya Creek upstream area. Its population is about two thousand people. Because of its remote location, poor economy, most parents are lower socioeconomic status. To enhance the competitiveness of students, the school hopes to enhance the child's ability through the “competency-based education and training program”. Therefore, these children may have opportunities to break down the reproduction of class. This study is based on the case of Dumung tribe, so that we can know the dilemma and the development of tribal education. There are two parts of my thesis, the first part is about academic literature which focus on the education policy of aboriginal, the second part is the documentary which I record for almost 2 two years in Dumung tribe. Through the documentary, we can realize how “competency-based education and training program” brings to the children and the tribe. In addition, I also record the disappearing tradition: blacksmith and hunting. The research concludes that “competency-based education and training program” isn’t only to improve the self-confidence of children, but to make up for the two generations of life experience gap. From the research, I find that the function of school is not only for education, but also playing the important role of family care for those who are single parent family or grandparenting.


一、 中文書目


  • 楊宗澧(2008)。野草莓學運大事記司法改革雜誌(69),70-70。https://doi.org/10.30138/SFGGZJ.200812.0027
  • 王月麗(1997)。我的成長新使者(39),48-49。https://doi.org/10.29949/TNM.199704.0015
  • Hsu, P. H. (2011). Sudoku 聯想記憶 [doctoral dissertation, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2011.00470
  • 鄧昭(2014)。The Borrowing Image of Doumu國立臺灣大學美術史研究集刊(36),59-100+256。https://doi.org/10.6541/TJAH.2014.03.36.02
  • Fujita, H. (2009). Discovery of "Minka" in the Age of the People. The Journal of Asian Arts & Aesthetics, (3), 37-41. https://doi.org/10.6280/JAAA.2009.03.05
