  • 學位論文


How does participatory design work? - Chinese environmental NGO Friends of Nature Low carbon household program as an example

指導教授 : 劉可強


本文企圖探討參與式設計在中國城市家庭中實施的可能性及受阻擾的原因,透過民間環保組織自然之友正在執行的項目過程來觀察。而這樣的第一手參與來自於筆者在該機構長達三年的服務經驗,筆者在該機構從志工的角色轉換到全職人員,這其中所面對來自北京市民、工作同事與社會氛圍對於項目的參與式想法,折射出中國特色的參與模式。 項目參與方的市民家庭抱持著想要提升居家生活品質與降低生活能耗目標來參與項目,在過程中需要大量地勞心勞力,主動觀察空間、發覺空間佈局與家庭能耗的關係,提出空間改造之道。 在過程中,市民家庭會遭遇許多來自商業市場、社區公共空間、專業空間改造諮詢、社區管理機構…等的阻礙或懷疑。本文則對這些不同的作用因此提出分析。中國建設公民社會的平台可以從小至市民家庭生活空間的改造,大到校園建設或國家級公園教育中心的規劃,在空間改造過程中所遭遇的阻礙與可見的未來都慢慢地型塑這種參與式模式在其中的角色。 在文末則提出本研究未盡事宜,可望由其他研究者繼續深究屬於中國特色的參與模式、在中國社會發展脈絡下空間專業者如何實踐參與式設計,以及中國房改政策下,家屋因為實際需求的演變過程與中國人民掌握空間的能力。


This paper attempts to explore the participatory design of urban households in China, and the possibility of implementing the reasons for the disruption by environmental NGO Friends of Nature ongoing projects to observe the process. And this comes from the author first-hand involvement in the institution up to three years of experience, the author volunteer at the agency's role from the transition to full-time staff, of which the people are facing from Beijing, work colleagues and social atmosphere for the project participatory ideas, reflects the Chinese characteristic mode of participation. Project participants want to improve quality and reduce energy consumption of life to participate in the project, the process requires a large amount of dedicated, and observe space, find space layout and home energy relations then improve it. In the process, the public will encounter a lot of problems and obstacles or suspicion. The process of transformation in the space obstacles encountered and the foreseeable future are slowly shaping this participatory model in which the role. In the end it is proposed in this study matters not covered by the other researchers are expected to continue to get to the bottom part of Chinese characteristics, mode of participation, in the context of China's social development space professionals how to practice participatory design, and Chinese housing reform policy, because the actual needs of the house the evolution of the Chinese people's ability to master space.


林易蓉(2009)溪洲部落空間尋根 : 與原鄉部落的空間模式。臺大城鄉所碩論。
