  • 學位論文


The Influential Factors on Wages for New Taiwanese College Graduates

指導教授 : 辛炳隆


為瞭解影響大學畢業生低薪的原因,本研究運用巨量資料,針對99學年度大學畢業生資料,逐筆運用勞工退休準備金勾稽後取得其行業與薪資的資料,並運用迴歸分析發現如下: 一、畢業學校的屬性與科系學門將造成薪資差異。公立大學與一般大學較私立大學或技職大學薪資為高。而不同學門的薪水也有不同,具專門技術的學門薪水較文法商為高。本研究亦發現畢業三年後學校、學門等人力資本(或篩選理論)對薪資的影響不會因為畢業時間的延長而減少其對薪資高低的解釋力,學校學門似乎已經被標籤化,其影響是深遠的。 二、行業對於薪資的影響是重要的。不論於剛畢業或是畢業三年時,在控制學校或學門等因素後,行業別的影響仍然存在,縱使其影響在三年後已有下降。在各行業的比較上,「運輸及倉儲業」與「製造業」在畢業時及畢業三年後薪資相較於其他行業為高,且從業人數在三年後仍有增加的狀況,符合高薪能吸引青年從事的特質。而「資訊及通訊傳播業」其雖然畢業時的起薪較「製造業」為低;但是其日後的薪資發展相對呈現成長的現象。「教育服務業」、「批發零售業」二者薪資相對較低,且就業者流出比例與人數較高,其薪資與流動率呈反向的態勢,值得留意。 三、在控制變項上,男性畢業生、在大公司工作者的薪資較女性、小企業薪資高,且三年後畢業生的性別、公司規模變項的影響力呈現較為增加的現象。


This research was done in order to find out how two main factors, those being human capital (school type, ie., public or private, university or vocational college, and the students' major) and industry factors (field of work), affect wages of new Taiwanese college graduates. The control factors in this study were gender, company size and work experience at school. Two Taiwanese government databases for the three years 2012 to 2014 were used: one from the Ministry of Education and the other from the Ministry of Labor. These databases were about students who had graduated in 2011. To confirm the amount of their wages, we used personal IDs to check wages data one by one from the Labor Pension Fund database, First of all, we found that human capital does influence college graduates' wages. Public school and university graduates get higher pay than private or vocational college graduates. College graduates from different majors also get different amount of wages. Those graduates who major in a special technology get higher pay than those who major in law, literature or business. We also find that three years after graduating, human capital factors, for example school types and different majors, still keep and do not retreat their influences on wages. As far as wages go, youth seem to be labeled by their school and major: the influence of human capital youth's wages in Taiwan seems to be very strong. Second, industry factors play a very important role in the wages of youth, no matter whether they have just graduated or it is three years after they have graduated. Even when we controlled the influential factors of school type or majors, we found that industry factors strongly affect wages, although the effects retreat a little three years after graduating. In terms of industrial differentials, people who work in the transportation and warehousing industry and the manufacturing industry can get higher pay than in the other industries looked at in this study, no matter whether a year after graduating or three years after graduating. More young graduated students transfer to jobs in those higher pay industries three years after graduating. Although people who work in the information & communication industry obtain lower pay in the beginning, they seem to have a high jump in their wage three years after graduating. On the other hand, youth who work in education or wholesale and retail trade jobs obtain lower pay compared to other industries, and many youth who work in these fields transfer into other ones three years after graduating. Forth, in terms of control factors, males get higher pay than females, and youth who work in big companies get higher pay than those who work in small companies, no matter whether it is within their first year after graduating or three years after graduating. But the influence of gender and company size on wages seems to have more of an effect three years after graduating.


莊慧玲與蔡勝弘(2006)。<電子"薪"貴嗎?--電子製造業與傳統製造業受僱員工薪資報酬差異之研究>,《管理學報》 , 23:1,頁1 - 22
