  • 學位論文


Maker Education in Taiwan

指導教授 : 王泰俐 黃兆徽


2005年,自造者的概念被當時的《MAKE》雜誌以及Maker Media的創辦人道弗帝(Dale Dougherty)所發起,隨後延伸至世界各個角落。 直到2015年,前行政院長毛治國對於3D列印的大力推廣,讓這個鼓吹創新、創造的熱潮逐漸在台灣各領域開花。各家媒體以「自造者」、「創客」的標籤,輪番播送各面向報導,無形中卻也限縮台灣民眾對自造者的理解,並忽略其本質「動手做」,以及希望人們重新擁有解決生活問題的能力。 如今,這股動手做熱潮也吹進台灣教育界。2015年,前教育部長吳思華大動作編列1.1億元預算,學校師生也開始加進這一波自造者浪潮,整個教育體制開始有些革新。筆者認為自造者教育能影響未來台灣的創新創業與人才培養,便以此為題觀察學生在體制內,能否因自造者教育的推廣而變化與成長。 為期一年的拍攝,報導內容涵蓋業界、家長、社會風氣與師生。影片呈現自造者教育的發展面貌外,更重要的是紀錄學生在成績掛帥的氛圍外,從動手做的過程中將書本中的知識化為具體,以及面對逆境的勇氣。


Since 2005, the concepts of “Maker” is initiatively used by Dale Dougherty, the founder of the "MAKE" Magazine and Maker Media. Three years ago, the former premier of the department of executive, Mao Zhiguo, promoted 3D printing as a strategy to boost the economics of Taiwan, at that time this trend of innovation and creativity DIY gradually spread to the nation. By 2015, almost each media wanted to seize the idea of Maker culture, science and technology reports related to Maker started to race for the daily broadcasting. The invisible effect had restricted the Taiwanese to recognized maker only in 3D printing, laser cutting machine and other digital equipment to use. People ignored the true meaning of “Maker”, which emphasized on "DIY" and have the basic ability to solve living problems. In the future, how to cultivate innovative people in Taiwan will be the toughest problem, it is not enough to promote only through media, but the most important way will be the return to education system. The education of next generation is needed to be revolutionized through this wave of Maker culture. In 2015, the former minister of the department of Education ,Wu Se-hwa took a big budget-cost policy to make the teachers at school begin to push this trend. Teachers expected students will change by DIY and project-based learning, so the whole educational system began different. To observe the students who taught base on Maker education, and to see how they make a change, this research will executive in the form of documentary, which contains: parents, the industry, and schools, hope to record the whole progress of this new wave.


maker maker education DIY project-based learning documentary


趙珩宇 (2015)。 自造者運動對生活科技的啟示。科技與人力教育季刊, 1(3),頁 1-20。
Becky Stern〈2011〉. What’s a Hackerspace? Mitch Altman Explains 〈video〉.Make.取自網址http://makezine.com/2011/09/07/whats-a-hackerspace-mitch-altman-explains-video/
第一節 中文部分


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