  • 學位論文


Distributions of dragonflies (Odonata) and their applications as indicators of water quality in Taiwan

指導教授 : 李培芬


台灣蜻蛉目物種豐富多樣,各物種對棲息地的選擇有不同的要求,可以透過蜻蛉目的多樣性變化及活動狀態,來監測周遭水體的健康情形。了解蜻蛉目的分布情形及棲地選擇偏好,可供未來在物種分布預測、環境監測、保育議題等相關研究上一些幫助。 本研究以地理資訊系統 (GIS) 彙整台灣本島蜻蛉目成蟲調查資料,將資料轉成1×1公里網格系統,再與空間環境因子整合,建立台灣蜻蛉目空間分布資料庫。資料範圍涵蓋1994年至2018年,共紀錄132種物種,每網格的種豐度為0至53種,台北市、新北市及花蓮縣有多處蜻蛉目熱點。台灣蜻蛉目分布有呈現環繞中央山脈之情形,且物種數有西部多於東部、北部多於南部的趨勢。棲地偏好集中分布在低海拔、低海拔變異、距河流近的地方,另以建物面積、道路長度、人口密度三項作為人為干擾因子,蜻蛉目分布均集中在人為干擾程度較低的地區。而植被因子則是偏好NDVI值較高之處。 對於水域環境的選擇主要分布在水質汙染程度較低的水域附近,隨汙染程度越高,水域周遭的蜻蛉種類越少。藉蜻蛉目各物種對於周遭水域有不同忍受力的特性,建立出水質生物指標表,將蜻蛉目視為一種水域的生物指標,得知鄰近水域汙染程度概況。青紋細蟌、薄翅蜻蜓、長鋏晏蜓、倭鋏晏蜓及陽明晏蜓分屬本研究所劃分的三類群中最頂端者,代表這幾種物種對於水質汙染的容忍程度較大,對水體不甚要求,是在高度汙染水域常出現的物種。 研究結果以ArcGIS輸出台灣蜻蛉目各物種的地理分布圖,並建立出各物種的陸域、水域生態特徵表、地理分布表及水質生物指標表。


This study collects the survey data of the adult Odonata species of Taiwan, and uses the Geographic Information System (GIS) to establish Taiwan Odonata Distribution Database with 1×1 km grid system, discussing the relationship between the distribution of Odonata and its environmental factors. A total of 27,351 records including 132 Odonata species span between 1994 and 2018, and the species richness per grid is 0 to 53 species. Taiwan's Odonata distribution has a tendency to surround the Central Range the number of species has more in the west than in the east and more in the north than in the south. Odonata's preference for geographical environment factor is concentrated in low elevation and low elevation standard deviation. In this study, the building area, road length and population density were used as human disturbance factors. We found that the Odonata distribution was in areas with low levels of human disturbance. This study also selected the survey data which near the main river of Taiwan to discuss Odonata’s relationship with water quality. Odonata is mainly distributed in the adjacency of waters with light pollution. The higher the pollution level, the fewer the number of species around the water. We use the different tolerance characteristics of each species to the surrounding water to establish a table of water quality biological indicators. Recognise Odonata species as a biotic indicator to know the pollution level of adjacent waters preliminary. The results of this study used GIS to serve as Odonata species distribution layers in Taiwan, establish ecological habitat characteristics of the 132 species, and Taiwan Odonata’s geographical distribution table and water quality biotic indicator table.


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