  • 學位論文


Phonographs, Graphophones and Gramophones in the Early Japanese Colonial Period of Taiwan (1898-1910) -Based on “Taiwan Daily News”

指導教授 : 王櫻芬


十九世紀末期錄音技術的出現與發展,改變了音樂聆聽之文本,更影響整個二十世紀的唱片工業。過去對於蓄音器(留聲機)在臺灣早期的研究,多著重於二、三〇年代唱片工業萌發後,蓄音器在臺灣早期的發展樣貌,因資料取得困難而有所不足。本研究從整理1898年到1910年《臺灣日日新報》及《漢文臺灣日日新報》內蓄音器相關之報導與廣告出發,藉由報紙資料的收集,觀察日治初期蓄音器在臺灣之發展,試圖發現整理更多早期蓄音器在臺灣流通與使用之狀態。 本研究發現,最早在1898年已有蓄音器相關活動在臺發生,1900年時臺灣已有歷史資料紀錄蓄音器的輸入,同年也在《臺灣日日新報》上發現蓄音器商藉由廣告推銷蓄音器,除了廣告其功能與來源外,亦宣傳其在宴會與家庭之必需性。此時市場上流通之蓄音器機型,蠟管式與圓盤式兼備,臺北城內已有數家百貨店進行蓄音器的販售,臺灣人可利用郵購、到店、租賃的方式,經由日臺蓄音器商取得來自日、美、英、德、法的蓄音器和唱片。 蓄音器因其複製聲音的功能,早期用途不只欣賞音樂,亦用於各式聲音的紀錄。然其作為播放音樂之工具,在日治初期使用場合相當多元,《臺灣日日新報》與《漢文臺灣日日新報》收集的資料中,約有四成報導為這些活動相關之文章,包括茶館或廟口的商業播放、官方各式節慶、建築物落成、典禮、慈善音樂會、露天休閒活動、各種私人商工教醫學會和其他同好俱樂部聚會,以及祭儀、醫院和船舶等場合都可見到蓄音器之蹤跡。 本研究透過報紙資料收集和分析,嘗試重建蓄音器在臺灣初期的部分歷史面相,並期待補充先前臺灣唱片工業發展史中闕漏之早期研究,看見更多蓄音器在臺灣流傳與演變之樣貌。


The technology of sound recording has profoundly transformed modern musical life. Turn-of-the-century advertisements touted recordings as “lifelike” and “the real thing”. Through the talking machine, its users adapt their musical practices and habits in a variety of ways. However, past discourses about Taiwan recording industry mainly focused on periods after 1920s and its afterwards prosperities, leaving a grand blank of the primary history of talking machines in Taiwan unknowingly. This thesis is based on the reporting and advertisements collected from Taiwan Daily News. Through those articles found in Taiwan Daily New, the very early history of the talking machines in Taiwan would be traced back to 1898. Meanwhile, the official import-records dated from 1900. In the first decade of 20th, both Japan and Taiwan retailers advertised their latest talking machines in newspapers. Phonographs, graphophones, and gramophones were all available in Taiwan. They were displayed in stores with clocks, bicycles, instruments and cameras, which were the most fashionable items at the time. Talking machine retailers also provided rental services for people who couldn’t afford to buy. Back to 1900s in Taiwan, talking machines were applied in various ways besides mere music player, such as language learning, last words recording, fieldworks, political campaign and so on. As music-playing devices, talking machines were used in different occasions. The government used talking machines in festivals, holidays, and religion ceremonies. Talking machines were also brought to concerts for charities, casual entertainments, events of societies and clubs, and even to some special circumstances in hospitals and ferries. By categorizing and analyzing the articles and advertisements in Taiwan Daily News, this research goals to observe the commerce and applications of talking machines in Taiwan from 1898 to 1910. Moreover, the author wants to make up some research materials for the unclear early record industry history in Taiwan, which is waiting to be explored deeper and discovered further.




