  • 學位論文


Development of a Wireless Sensor Network Monitoring System for Health Care

指導教授 : 江昭皚


近年來,隨著醫療、科技、生活、教育水平快速進步及健康保健的需求日益增加,使得人口結構平均壽命延長、而人民疾病型態由「急性」轉為「慢性」,醫療照護需求由治療轉為治療與照護並重。慢性疾病社會中,慢性病患者所面臨的問題是社會環境快速變化、個人生活習慣改變、不當飲食、缺乏運動及體重增加等不良的生活型態,使得疾病發生時難以預測,容易造成日常生活不便,對個人、家庭及社會皆有極大的影響。慢性病患需要長期性的心理與身理健康照護與管理,而醫療人員常因忙碌或換班,對病患的照護中斷或是一人照顧多位病患,而影響醫療品質。 因此,本研究整合無線感測器網路,全球行動通信系統及資料庫系統,建立一個慢性病患生理數據健康照護遠端監控系統。本系統能夠長期記錄與觀察慢性病患者生理資訊,並且透過網頁瀏覽或監控平臺顯示病患的生理資訊,更提供緊急通報系統,使醫護人員、家屬即時得知病患異常情形發生。 本系統主要分成兩大部分,前端無線感測模組及後端資料處理監測平臺。為了驗證本系統之可用性,本研究進行許多健康照護模擬實驗,包含資料處理監測平臺與無線感測模組傳輸性能測試、系統取樣信度分析、異常通報及資料庫系統測試。實驗結果顯示,本系統平均資料回傳成功率達到97.12 %。本系統針對五位受測者做四次取樣信度分析,結果顯示收縮壓平均信度為0.94、舒張壓平均信度為0.95、心跳平均信度為0.98以及血氧飽和濃度信度為0.98。本系統在異常緊急通報與資料庫系統皆能夠百分之百將病患資料存取及發送資料異常簡訊至相關管理人員。因此,吾人所發展的健康照護監測系統在模擬實驗階段已經具有相當高之可靠性。


In recent years, the rapid progress on medical science, technologies, life span extension and education levels and the demands for health care have led to an increasing emphasis on health care. When life expectancy increase, the type of human diseases changes from acute to chronic, and health care approaches also change from focusing on treatment to combining treatment with care. Patients with chronic diseases encounter many questions such as changing social environments and personal habits, improper diet, a lack of exercise and weight gain. The diseases not only affect daily lives but also bring huge personal, family and social burdens, but it is very difficult to predict the occurrence of diseases. The chronic patients thus need long-term mental and physical health care and management. However, patients’ physical monitoring is easily interrupted, and medical quality is often compromised, as nurses have to complete many tasks at one time. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to integrate wireless sensor networks (WSNs), global systems for mobile communications (GSMs), and a MySQL database to construct an automatic monitoring system to collect physical data from chronic patients. The proposed system can monitor and record chronic patients’ physical information for a long period of time. This system is also able to display patient physical information through website browsing and monitoring screen. In addition, an alert can be immediately sent to family members and nurses, if some readings exceed pre-set thresholds. The architecture of the proposed system includes two parts: a wireless sensor module and a monitoring platform. In order to verify the reliability of the proposed system in real environments, this system is examined under a number of health care simulations, including the performance testing of the monitoring platform and the wireless sensor module, and the reliability analyses of system sampling, alert notification, and database design. In simulations, the average successful physical data receiving rate is 97.12 %, the average reliability of systolic pressure is 0.94, of diastolic pressure is 0.94, of pulse is 0.98, and of oxygen concentration is 0.98, Base on the data collected from 5 persons. In addition, the system is able to successfully send warning messages to family members and nurses, and stored physical data into the database without any loss. The experimental results thus show a high reliability of the proposed system.


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