  • 學位論文


An Efficient Prefetching Methodology for Hibernation of Embedded Devices

指導教授 : 郭大維


休眠模式,是傳統系統睡眠的一種進化方式近年來,系統休眠模式在於各種不同形態及特性的異質嵌入式即時系統的研究與發展已漸趨熱絡 相較於傳統的睡眠模式,休眠模式可以提供在完全斷電的情況之下凍結目前系統狀態並將必要的記憶體資料保存在永久性非揮發儲存體例如 次儲存記憶體等,提供在系統被叫醒時候能夠立即回存必要的資料回動態記憶體中。在此篇論文之中,我們提出一套優於一般休眠模式之中 整體休眠模式速度的新機制,並提出新的觀點來探討在現今休眠模式之中可以改善的部分,在休眠時分析出來並重新調整記憶體頁面放進休 眠映像檔的決定跟順序,使得系統從休眠模式之中甦醒回來時能得到更有用的資訊。本篇論文主要的貢獻在於有效減少記憶體頁面存取失敗 的機率


The hibernation mode, which is a kind of the enhanced sleep mode that it has become much more researches has been started to implement in each type of the electronic devices which running the Embedded real-time operating system. Comparing to the traditional sleep mode, the hibernation uses no power consumption for the device to maintains and freezes the current status, and then stores the hibernation image into the persistent medium for suspending the device. And the system goes back to the running mode after restored the data from hibernation image while user resuming the device. In this paper, we propose the new methodology to enhance the performance for the normal hibernation architecture. We have an efficient analysis for the hibernation image while suspending the device, and also we have a dynamic prefetching mechanism for loading the image back to physical memory page while system doing the resuming process. The main goal is to prevent the page fault while the running task tries to access the memory on resuming the device.


Hibernation Power Management


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