  • 學位論文


The Effect of City-County Consolidation on Mortality Difference Between Original City and Original County

指導教授 : 江東亮


研究目的:臺灣在2010年底經歷行政區的重劃。其中,三個縣市區域個別合併成三個新的市:臺中市、臺南市,以及高雄市。本研究欲探討縣市的合併是否會縮小原縣、市居民間的死亡率差距。 研究方法:本研究的全年齡、0-4歲以及65歲以上死亡率資料來自衛生福利部,除了粗死亡率以外,也計算出年齡標準化死亡率進行分析。本研究利用hp濾波器分離出時間序列資料的長期趨勢,並使用複迴歸分析解釋縣市合併對於原縣、市之間居民死亡率差距的影響。 研究結果:縣市合併之後,不管是粗死亡率還是年齡標準化死亡率,原縣、市之間的全年齡及65歲以上死亡率的差距都增加,但僅有在65歲以上粗死亡率的分析中達到統計的顯著意義(β=142.2, p=0.000)。而0-4歲死亡率差距雖然在合併之後有稍微縮小,但並未達到統計顯著水準。 結論:本研究無法證實縣市合併對於原縣、市居民間死亡率差距的影響。 關鍵字:都會區治理、縣市合併、死亡率、死亡率差距、hp濾波器


Objective: An administrative rezoning occurred in Taiwan in 2010. As a result, three city county duals were consolidated into three new cities: Taichung City, Tainan City, and Kaohsiung City. This study aims to investigate whether the consolidation would reduce the city-county mortality gap. Methods: Data on city/county mortality in total population, children aged 0-4 years, and adults aged 65 years and over, were obtained from Ministry of Health and Welfare. In addition to crude mortality rates, we also calculated age-standardized mortality rates. The Hodrick–Prescott filter was further used to separate long-term trends from time series data. The multiple regression was applied to examine the consolidation effect on mortality rate difference. Results: After the consolidation, the differences in both crude and age-standardized mortality rate between original city and original county have increased for total population and adults aged 65 years and over, but only the effect on the difference in crude mortality rate for adults aged 65 years and over was statistically significant (β=142.2, p=0.000). The difference in mortality rate for children aged 0-4 years has slightly declined after the consolidation, which was not statistically significant. Conclusions: There was no evidence that the consolidations had affected the mortality gap between original city and original county.


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