  • 學位論文


Skid Resistance Analysis of Thermoplastic Pavement Marking

指導教授 : 周家蓓


道路標線是確保用路人行之安全的交通設施之一,具有指向、警示、禁止與遵行等功能,對用路人而言具相當重要性。一般道路常用的熱處理聚酯標線在表面潮濕有水時,其抗滑值較低,可能導致行駛在上面的倆輪機動車輛產生打滑現象。CNS4342 標準提出添加玻璃珠來增加反光性的做法已經有明確規定,且近年來甫頒布之CNS15834 對此也有反光及抗滑等級之劃分。然反光玻璃珠的預摻或外撒對於抗滑能力有何影響,且是否可以經由內摻或外撒其他抗滑材料來提高標線的抗滑能力為本研究之目的。 本研究為探討有效提高熱處理聚酯標線抗滑性能且能兼顧反光性能的摻料組合及配比,首先於台灣大學水源校區試驗場分三梯次劃設77種不同摻料及配比的標線樣本,利用英式擺錘分別追蹤檢測2個月的性能標線。然後由初步結論,選擇高反射玻璃珠與小石英砂作為摻料組合并設計不同配比,於都會區、平原區、丘陵區、及山嶺區四處現地進行標線樣本劃設,進行為期8個月的追蹤檢測。根據各標線樣本性能標線,并利用自行建立之標線績效因子計算式對各種摻料組合進行性能成本比較,初步得到具有較好抗滑性且能兼顧反光性的標線摻料組合。 本研究初步建議選擇於聚酯材料中加入10%重量比之高反射珠,30%重量比之CNS I 型一般珠作為同時提升抗滑及反光性能之熱處理聚酯標線材料,同時配合高反射珠與小石英砂1:1 混合之外撒料以每平方米300 克均勻撒布於標線表面。依據現地試驗追蹤8 個月之性能表現,此建議材料組合應可於劃設初始提供BPN 55 之抗滑值,並至使用8 個月後仍維持BPN 50 左右。本研究建議宜適當提高台灣標線抗滑驗收值,并依據不同地理區域之機車行駛特性訂定不同標線抗滑驗收值,且定期追蹤其使用績效,以確保其抗滑之基本性能。


Pavement marking is one of the traffic facilities to ensure the safety of road users. It has four major functions: directing, warning, prohibiting and guiding. When the surface of thermoplastic pavement marking becomes wet, its skid resistance value will be low. This may cause the two wheeled vehicle, such as motorbike, increases its risk of sliding on the pavement marking. The CNS 4342 standard proposes that adding glass beads to increase the retroreflectivity has been clearly defined, and in recent years the CNS 15834 has also classified the retroreflectivity and skid resistance. The purpose of this study is to investigate how pre-mixing and drop-on of reflective glass beads influence the pavement marking skid resistance, and whether the skid resistance of the pavement marking can be improved by adding or spreading other anti-skid materials. This study discusses material combinations that can improve the skid resistance of thermoplastic marking while guaranteeing retroreflective properties. First, test site of77 thermoplastic marking samples with different kinds of admixture and amount was conducted at the National Taiwan University campus. Survey of skid resistance by using British Pendulum Tester was followed for two months. The preliminary conclusion indicates that the drop-on materials of 50%-50% combination of high reflective index glass beads and quartz sand can provide the best results of both retroreflectivity and skid resistance. Several pavement marking samples of different proportions were placed in four geographic regions, i.e. metropolitan, plain, hill, and mountain. Both retroreflectivity and skid resistance were tested continuously for 8 months. According to the samples’ performance, the cost-benefit analysis algorithm was developed. This study suggested adding 10% weight ratio of high retroreflectivity glass beads, and 30% weight ratio of CNS type I glass beads as the pre-mix additives. It also suggests the proper drop-on high reflective glass beads and small quartz sand should be 50%-50% weight ratio of 300 grams per square meter. According to the long-term field performance for 8 months, the suggested combination can provide BPN 55 as initial resistance value and remain about BPN 50 after 8 months. This study suggests that the pavement marking skid resistance initial value and maintenance threshold should be increased in Taiwan. According to different geographical regions, the skid resistance thresholds should be different from region to region, and regular inspection is also recommended for maintaining its required performance.


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