  • 學位論文


What Happened to the Prizes and the Winners: An In-depth Report on iF Concept Design Award Winners in Taiwan

指導教授 : 宋同正 朱賜麟


近十年來,因為台灣企業與學校頻獲國際設計大獎並獲媒體大幅報導,設計在台灣逐漸成為一股熱潮,備受社會關注。2011年,政府更將中華民國建國百年定為台灣設計年,足見其對設計的重視。 近幾年,台灣設計院校在德國iF設計獎屢獲佳績而時常躍登媒體版面,其中以台科大表現最為突出,在2011年與2012年連續兩年在iF世界大學排名第一,傲視全球參賽學校。但是,亮麗的得獎數字,背後有什麼含意?這些得獎的設計新秀與創意作品,在得獎後到哪去了呢? 本報導將重點放在2007至2011年台科大二十一位iF設計概念獎獲獎學生與二十三件得獎作品的出路追蹤。透過深度面訪與線上問卷方式,總共採訪了台科大得獎學生、老師、設計產業人士共計二十三人。在作品方面,本報導發現大部分的作品因為技術門檻或生產成本過高而乏人問津,或曾與廠商接洽,最後無疾而終;但其中也有三件作品成功商品化,量產上市,原因是生產可行性高,且符合生產廠商自身的產品定位。在獲獎人方面,追蹤發現早年畢業的學生多半進了大型OEM/ ODM企業內部設計部門(如仁寶、緯創),近年的學生則多半還在學或服兵役當中。但有個共通點是,這些獲獎學生多半具有海外交換留學的經驗,這樣的經驗讓他們視野大開,發現國外設計的多元,並反思起過去在台灣積極參賽的風氣是否恰當。 最後,透過學生、老師、產業界人士的訪談,從產官學等不同面向為台灣設計的未來提出建言,指出隱憂,也找出機會。期待社會各界在台灣設計頻頻得獎之餘,也能開始關注比得獎更重要的事。


In the past decade, Taiwanese companies and schools have won a huge amount of international design awards. Positive images of design have been brought to Taiwanese society again and again by more and more news media reports. In 2011, the centennial of the Republic of China (Taiwan), Taipei City hosted the first annual congress of International Design Alliance (IDA) and the first Taipei World Design Expo. Taiwan government also designated 2011 as "Taiwan Design Year." Among all the participating schools of iF Concept Design Award, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) has been ranked as top one in the university ranking by iF for two years in 2011 and 2012. From 2007 to 2012, there are 21 award winners with 23 works from NTUST. What happened to the prizes and the winners? This in-depth report aims to answer the question by tracing the developments and stories of these award winners as well as their works. 23 interviewee, including award winners, teachers, designers and experts, have shared many interesting stories and meaningful insights. Most of the works now lie in the exhibition hall at NTUST or winners’ house. Only 3 works have been commercialized successfully. The key factors to success are found to be: easy to be produced, suitable for the product positioning of potential manufacturers or design brands. After graduation, in-house design department of big OEM/ ODM company, such as Compal Electronics, is preferred career choice for these winners. Furthermore, this report finds out students’ motives of participating international design competitions and the impacts of winning awards. In the conclusion part, some questions are raised and some suggestions to the government, design education and design industry are made.


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