  • 學位論文


A Study of No-frills Business Models

指導教授 : 陳文華


在社會逐漸走向M型化之時,越來越多的企業透過非傳統的創新商業模式,尋找並滿足先前尚未被發現的新市場族群。而當 “新奢華風” 被大眾廣泛積極探討的同時,光譜的另一端有著另一種商業模式正悄悄的在醞釀著: 其商業模式就是 “陽春服務” ,英文名詞則稱之為 “No-frills Services”。 本論文所探討的就是在不同的行業中,各家公司及企業如何利用 “陽春服務” 的精簡化概念來營運,並滿足消費者的需求及期望。此論文將以客觀的角度來探討七種不同商業領域中的企業及商業模式,其中包括超市(Save-a-Lot及ALDI)、運輸(RyanAir及Megabus)、流行生活(H&M及IKEA)、租賃空間(EasyOffice及格子鋪)、旅館(Cubic 、EasyHotel及Tune Hotels)、網咖(EasyInternetCafe)、以及電信業。此論文也將提檢三個失敗的例子,分別有兩個是航空公司和一個電影院。 研究中之陽春服務業者的共同點是: 盡可能的將成本降到最低,或將利用率增加到最大值,以追求成為該業界中的價格領袖。透過成功典範RyanAir及IKEA做深入的探討以及分析,本論文的結論則是 “陽春服務” 最後的成功關鍵並非取決於價格上之優勢,而是如何找出消費者真正的需求,並將其體驗與品牌成功的做一個連結。


In the contemporary business world, there is an interesting yet unconventional form of business that has developed in the past decade: the emergence of no-frills services. More and more businesses are trying to escape the red ocean and enter into the blue ocean using the no-frills notion in order to capture the previously untouched market. It is believed that as the society morphs into the M-shape as described by Kenichi Ohmae, many businesses had to innovate new ways of conducting business in order to survive, and the notion of no-frills is one of them. Many different no-frills business models are examined in the thesis, some in the same industry while others are not. Seven categories of businesses are covered, all manifestation of the no-frills businesses in their own ways. Each of them is carefully examined and studied, with the common themes within each categories summarized. The categories include supermarkets (Save-a-lot and ALDI), transportations (RyanAir and Megabus), fashion and living (H&M and IKEA), electronics (ASUS), rental spaces (EasyOffice and Cubic Boxes), hospitality (Cubic, EasyHotel, and Tune Hotels), internet cafes (EasyInternetCafe), and telecommunications. Three failed no-frills business are also studied, which includes two no-frills airlines and a no-frills cinemas. It is found that the common themes among all the businesses operate on are minimizing costs and maximizing utilization in order to pursue the price leadership strategy. Further observations are made on RyanAir and IKEA to determine the success factors and the sustainability of their successes. The question is not about how low the prices are, but rather what matters to the consumers most, and how the competitive advantages can be achieved and sustained. A generic framework has been developed in the end of this thesis from a strategic point of view to finalize on the concept of utilizing the notion of no-frills in future businesses.


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