  • 學位論文


Variations in the Ethylene Biosynthesis and Sensitivity among Phalaenopsis Cultivars after Emasculation

指導教授 : 王自存


蝴蝶蘭花朵經除雄處理後會促進花朵之乙烯生成並加速花朵老化反應發生。由本研究室過去之研究得知,蝴蝶蘭花朵經除雄後其老化徵狀出現之時間會依品種而有所不同,且各品種花朵在老化徵狀出現時亦會伴隨乙烯高峰的出現。本試驗之目的在探討蝴蝶蘭花朵除雄反應不相同之品系間,其乙烯生合成之調控是否存在某種差異,因而導致其花朵老化反應發生的時間不同。本研究選取除雄後花朵老化速率快速與緩慢之蝴蝶蘭品系各二種,以帶主梗單朵切花系統,進行除雄處理及乙烯生合成之研究。結果顯示,快速老化型的‘巨寶紅玫瑰’及‘紅不讓’之花朵在除雄後2天即出現老化徵狀,花朵在5天後完全老化;緩慢老化型的‘立匠火鳥’及‘金鑽’在除雄13天才出現老化徵狀,至16天後才完全老化。快速老化型品種花朵在除雄後12小時其乙烯生成即開始上升並在36小時達到高峰。緩慢老化型品種花朵在除雄後11天後其乙烯生成才開始上升並在第14天達到高峰。快速老化型蝴蝶蘭花朵於除雄後6小時,其蕊柱上半部之乙烯生成速率即開始增加,蕊柱下半部則在12時後出現增加,二者均迅速上升,至除雄後36小時由0增加到 > 150 nL C2H4 g-1 hr-1。其蕊柱上下半部之ACO活性亦於除雄後6小時開始增加,至48小時分別達到1500及900 nL C2H4 g-1 hr-1,增加幅度達千倍以上;其蕊柱上半部之ACC含量在除雄後12小時快速增加,至30小時達到高峰。緩慢老化型蝴蝶蘭經除雄處理後8小時,其蕊柱上半部及蕊柱下半部之乙烯生成速率、ACO活性及ACC含量均出現短暫上升,並在24小時後下降至與未除雄組相同,直到第12天後又再度快速上升,於14天後達到高峰,此時增加幅度近千倍。由以上結果得知,快速與緩慢老化型蝴蝶蘭除雄後8至12小時,均會產生微量之創傷乙烯;但是快速老化型蝴蝶蘭之乙烯自動催化(autocatalysis)會被誘發,生成大量乙烯並促進花朵老化;相對地,緩慢老化型蝴蝶蘭花朵在除雄後並未出現乙烯自動催化現象,因此花朵老化延後發生。進一步以外施低濃度乙烯測試二類型蝴蝶蘭花朵對乙烯之敏感性,結果顯示,以0.1 μL.L-1乙烯處理12小時,正常之快速老化型蝴蝶蘭即出現花朵老化徵狀,緩慢老化型蝴蝶蘭則無反應;後者則須處理18小時以上才足以誘導老化徵狀出現反應。另以0.1 μL.L-1乙烯處理除雄後之兩類型蝴蝶蘭;快速老化型蝴蝶蘭對外施乙烯之老化反應與正常除雄者相同,皆在2天內出現老化徵狀;已除雄處理之緩慢老化型蝴蝶蘭,僅需6小時之外施乙烯,即可誘導其老化徵狀出現。由此結果可知,快速老化型蝴蝶蘭對乙烯之敏感性較緩慢老化型高,而除雄處理會增進緩慢老化型蝴蝶蘭花朵對乙烯之敏感性。


蝴蝶蘭 除雄 乙烯生成 敏感性 老化


In Phalaenopsis flowers, senescence can be advanced by emasculation (remove its pollinia and anther cap) and it is accompanied by a sudden upsurge in ethylene production. Previous study in our laboratory had indicated that there were variations in the duration for the appearance of flower wilting after emasculation among 20 Phalaenopsis cultivars tested; and the upsurge in ethylene production paralleled the timing of flower wilting. The object of this study was to correlate ethylene production with ethylene sensitivity as the possible explanation for this variation in response to emasculation among Phalaenopsis cultivars. Two cultivars from the fast-wilting group: Phal. OX Red Shoe and Dtps. Jiuhbao Red Rose, and two cultivars from the slow-wilting group: Dtps. Lih Jianq Firebird and Dtps. Mei Dar Diamond were used in this study; and the single-flower testing system developed in our lab was used to carry out the experiments. The flowers of the fast-wilting group showed symptom of senescence 2 days after emasculation and wilted completely after 5 days and the flowers of the slow-wilting group showed symptom of senescence 13 days after emasculation and wilted completely after 16 days. In the fast-wilting group, increase in ethylene production was observed 12 h after emasculation and reached its peak after 36 h, and in the slow-wilting group, increase in ethylene production was observed 11 days after emasculation and reached its peak at the 14th day. The regulation of ethylene biosynthesis in floral parts of the emasculated flower from these two groups was further studied. In the fast-wilting group, ethylene production from the upper column started to increase 6 h after emasculation, and the lower column started to increase after 12 h; both parts reached their peak after 36 h. The ethylene production rate raise from near 0 to >150 nL C2H4 g-1h-1. ACC oxidase activity in the column also started to increase 6 h after emasculation and reached its peak at 48 h. The magnitude of increase was more than a thousand folds. ACC content in the upper column started to increase 12 h after emasculation and reached its peak after 30 h. In the slow-wilting group, a small rise in ethylene production, ACC oxidase activity and ACC content were observed 8 h after emasculation and then declined to the level of non-emasculated control after 24 h. Until 12 days after emasculation, all of them started to increase again and reaching their peak after 14 days. The magnitude of increase was also over thousand-fold. The above result suggested that in both the fast-wiling and the slow-wilting group, a small amount of wound ethylene was produced between 6 to 12 h after emasculation. In the fast-wilting group, autocatalytic ethylene production was induced by the wound ethylene and resulted in the rapid senescence of flower. In the slow-wilting group, autocatalytic ethylene production was not induced by the wound ethylene and therefore flower senescence was delayed until 12 days later when the natural senescence of the flower took place. The difference in ethylene sensitivity of these two groups of Phalaenopsis was tested by applying low concentration of ethylene from 6 to 24 h to the flower. Treating intact flowers with 0.1 μL L-1 ethylene for 12 h induced the appearance of wilting symptom in 2 days in the fast-wilting group but had no effect in the slow-wilting group. The latter required at least 18 h of ethylene treatment to induce flower wilting. Treating emasculated flowers with 0.1 μL L-1 ethylene did not affect the wilting response in the fast-wilting group, but it induced flower wilting in the slow-wilting group with a 6 h treatment. These results indicated that the fast-wilting Phalaenopsis had higher sensitivity toward ethylene than the slow-wilting Phalaenopsis, and emasculation could increase the ethylene sensitivity in the slow-wilting Phalaenopsis.


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