  • 學位論文


Value Engineering Analysis for Railway Station Renovation Project

指導教授 : 郭斯傑


價值工程廣泛運用在各種產業,一般以機能為前提再藉由降低成本提升研析整體效益。目前捷運工程局推動價值工程的整體效益甚為顥著,而鐵路改建工程局效益卻未達預期,此一現象極待改善。 目前價值工程技術,除了確保捷運工程的品質之外,已為捷運工程節省巨額的建設經費。在國內重大公共建設工程中,鐵路改建亦是相當重要之交通建設之一,交通部鐵路改建工程局自1983年7月起開始執行,至2010年止,計完成五項專案工程,已有效改善交通擁塞問題,增進土地利用價值、提昇市容景觀與環境品質、整合各項交通運輸系統轉乘、促進都市均衡發展,效益卓著。 本研究主要以交通部鐵路改建工程局鐵路地下化工程個案為例,著重於鐵路改建工程設計方案機能分析,並配合鐵路改建工程施工環境特性,經由價值工程建構,在不影響原計畫機能下,運用價值工程技術研擬最佳替代方案,達到節省工程費或縮短工期之目標,希望將有限資源作最有價值的利用,並能使有限經費發揮最有效之運用,並透過團隊有系統的研析,提出可行的替代方案。 本研究希望應用價值工程技術樽節預算,並藉實際案例分析, 來整合鐵路改建工程局價值工程研析模式,使價值工程技術在鐵路改建各項工程中普遍運用,以達到價值工程技術轉移及技術生根之目的,進而提供相關單位於工程規劃設計時之參考。


Value engineering, a systematic and structured approach to improve projects, products, and processes, is wildly applied to many areas. Benefits of applying value engineering include decreasing costs, increasing profits, improving quality and performance, and enhancing customer satisfaction. In Taiwan, the improvements of applying value engineering to the Taipei Metro Rapid Transit System (metro Taipei) are significant. But to the Taiwan Railway Reconstruction Bureau, the outcome is not as expected. Value of engineering nowadays not only ensures the quality of the MRT project, but also decreases the MRT construction funds. The railway reconstruction is one of the important transportation constructions among the major public construction projects. The railway reconstruction project has begun since July 1983 by The Railway Reconstruction Bureau of the Ministry of Transportation and Communication. Till year 2010, five of the sub-projects have been done. There was great improvement in solving traffice jam, increasing land utilization value, improving landscape and environmnet of the city, integrating different transportations and promoting urban development. Our research applies the concepts of value engineering to the Underground Railway Construction Project of the Taiwan Railway Reconstruction Bureau to find an alternative solution to reduce the cost and increase the value. We hope that through our research, the technique of value engineering can be adapted and further more improve the quality of the projects that made by the Taiwan Railway Reconstruction Bureau.


4.陳義明,「價值管理於鐵路改建工程之應用研究 」,國立台北科技大學,2007
5.趙志堅,「價值工程機能分析編碼系統之研究 ---以臺北捷運工程為例」,國立台灣大學,2008
